A Gym Teacher Wouldn’t Stop Giving Him A Hard Time, So He Made Sure To Have An Allergic Outbreak At The Most Opportune Moment
by Matthew Gilligan
I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of readers out there are going to be TRIGGERED by this tale from Reddit…
Because it involves gym class and we all know that a lot of folks didn’t have the best time in P.E.
But this youngster found a good way to put a bullying gym coach in his place.
Check out what happened!
Pick on someone your own size.
“Back in middle school (grade 9, 2009-10, high school in my area is only 10-12? not sure why) we had this absolute giant of a teacher.
He was 7’2″/218cm or even a bit taller, and was also the school’s basketball coach.
The first story takes place in the winter, so gym class was obviously held indoors.
It was indoor soccer that day, and I was on the “green team”.
These things were gross.
Problem is, you know those colored jersey things schools have for team sports: I don’t think they had been washed since 1992 at that point.
They reeked of rotting flesh so badly that I legitimately feared for my health if I were to put one on my body because I was already sick every other week because of immune system issues.
I explained this to the teacher.
Now, I was the complete opposite of the type of kid you’d expect to stand up to the literal giant jock of a gym teacher.
This didn’t sound good…
This guy had over two feet on me in height.
I was chubby, nerdy looking (glasses kid!), and had an array of health problems that constantly interfered with my participation (namely asthma and a permanently damaged knee, as well as severe allergies which’ll be relevant later).
Nothing rude, I just said that these jerseys were completely filthy and that I wasn’t about to put something so disgusting on my body because I feared for my health, so can I please be switched to the “white team” (our standard gym t shirts were white).
He refused, saying that if I didn’t wear it and participate on the team I was assigned, I would receive a zero for participation that class.
Without hesitating, I replied “Okay. If I’m getting a zero for today anyway, then I guess I don’t need to be here anymore.”
See ya!
I walked away, changed, and left.
Bummed around the school and did some homework.
My parents got called etc etc, but they sided with me.
Mom thought it was the most hilarious thing.
We figured he’d back off once he realized I wasn’t going to take any of his ****.
That is until early spring.
It was warming up so gym class was relocated to the field.
That day was basically a workout day.
Laps, pushups, and so forth. In the freshly growing wet spring grass.
Remember my severe allergies?
You guessed it.
Uh oh…
We were instructed to do plank position (kind of like a pushup but without moving, and you support yourself on your forearms).
Of course, I had just had a battery of allergy testing done two years prior and had standing orders from my doctors to stay the hell out of the grass.
I approach the teacher again, and make yet another reasonable request: I’m very allergic to grass, may I please go get a jacket or something to put between my arms and the ground?
He said no.
He told me I had to stay and “just do it like everyone else is”.
I return to my spot maybe 15 feet away and get down in the grass and do plank position.
I hold it for about ten seconds, at which point my arms started exploding into a bright red rash and plenty of hives right up to my shoulders and chest.
Take a look, buddy!
Not 30 seconds later, I approach the teacher again, hold out my disgustingly swollen arms, and flatly state “I’m having a severe allergic reaction to the grass. I have to go call my mom to bring me home to get medicine.”
I regret moving too quickly to see his face.
I left class, told the office what happened, called my mother, and then went to go change while I waited for her to come.
From work, no less.
My parents gave me the rest of the week off, the teacher got an earful from my former-nurse father, and I was now permanently excused from any grass-touching activities.
The teacher didn’t mess with me again for the rest of the year.”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This reader asked a question.
Another Reddit user had a lot to say.
Why are so many gym teaches awful?
It really is some kind of weird power trip.
The gym teacher should’ve listened to him!
No one wants to be yelled at by an angry mom.
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