Bride Wanted Her Maid Of Honor To Stay Up Late The Night Before The Wedding And Get Up Extra Early The Day Of, But She Has A Strict Sleep Schedule Due To Her Narcolepsy Medication
by Jayne Elliott
If you have a diagnosis that means you have to be on a strict sleep schedule no matter what, you’d hope that your family members who clearly know about your diagnosis would be understanding.
In today’s story, one bride is anything but understanding when her sister, who was supposed to be her maid of honor, told her that she can’t stay up late and get up early for the wedding due to her narcolepsy.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for dropping out of my sister’s wedding party?
So, I (22F) was supposed to be the maid of honor for my sister’s (25F) upcoming wedding.
I think it’s important to begin this with saying I have narcolepsy.
When I was 15 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Narcolepsy.
I manage it pretty well because of my medication but I still can’t drive or anything like that.
But unfortunately it’s the point of contention in this story.
Here’s her strict sleep schedule.
So my medication that I take is something I drink at night, go to sleep, wake up and take a second dose of, then go back to sleep for.
Typically I take it at 10:30pm and wake up at 7am.
That’s the literal minimum amount of time that I have to be asleep.
I can’t get up earlier than that or I have to take it earlier.
That’s where the issue comes up.
Her sister wanted her to get up earlier without going to bed earlier.
My sister told me that we would be doing hair and makeup at 5am.
Okay, I can do that, it’s pretty standard for weddings.
It just means I have to take my medication and go to sleep at 8:30 instead of 10:30.
But when I told my sister this, she flipped out on me.
Because apparently she’d assumed I’d still go to sleep at 10:30 and had wanted me to stay up with her and her friends and celebrate and drink.
Her sister’s plan was seriously flawed.
Which, so many problems with that.
1, obviously I can’t do that if I have to take my medication.
2, I CAN’T DRINK. And she knows this! My medication requires I do not drink alcohol at all before consuming it.
It’s a sedative and so is alcohol, if I take it with alcohol, there is a very high chance that I go into something called CNS depression and could literally die.
Plus I just don’t drink in general!
Her sister was furious!
So I told her this and she was upset but conceded on the drinking part but was still upset I couldn’t stay up with her.
Like really upset for some reason.
I was apologetic, but for me it’s either stay up till 10:30 and not be able to get up at 5 or go to bed earlier and get up at 5.
She’s throwing an absolute fit over this and I won’t lie, I got upset too.
She wonders if she said the wrong thing.
And in my anger I told her that I refused to be her maid of honor and stormed out.
When I woke up the next morning I had texts from her, her friends, and my mother.
While I feel really bad for dropping out of the wedding party, I honestly don’t see a solution to this.
There’s nothing I can do to fulfill both.
And so it’d probably be better for her to have a MOH who can do that since I can’t.
But she’s upset and I do love her very dearly and I don’t want to mess up her wedding.
So, AITA for dropping out of my sister’s wedding party?
The bride seems to be in a little bit of bridezilla mode.
She needs to be more understanding, but instead, her pushed her sister away with her anger.
Let’s see Reddit reacted to this story…
She should probably try to work this out with her sister.
It’s surprising that her sister isn’t more understanding.
This person suggests solving the issue via an email.
Her health is more important than a party.
This person wonders if it might be possible to find a compromise.
If her sister wants her in her wedding, she needs to work around her health issues.
You wouldn’t think this would be an issue.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bride, maid of honor, medication, narcolepsy, picture, reddit, sleep, top, wedding

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