College Student With Chickenpox Wasn’t Allowed To Take His Exam On Another Day, So He Went To School To Prove He Wasn’t Lying And Started Coughing Loudly
by Heide Lazaro
Getting sick during exam week sucks!
But what’s worse is the school administration telling you you can’t take the exam on another day.
So, this young man who had chickenpox had no choice but to come to school and take his test.
Read the story below and find out how he made sure that the test facilitator knew he was going through something.
I don’t care if you’re sick, if you don’t attend the final exam you’ll fail the subject.
I graduated in a traditional and very strict engineering school.
At that time, there were not substitutive exams of any kind, no matter the reason.
So, it wasn’t uncommon for people to fail subjects because they couldn’t attend the test day.
This young man had chickenpox.
In the end of my last year, I don’t know how or why—since I took the vaccine—but I got chickenpox.
Luckily for me, I didn’t suffer at all, maybe a day with mild fever and that’s it.
All the itching was completely mitigated with medicine.
Although externally, I looked really bad.
He tried to ask if he could take the exam on another day.
More concerned about my appearance than anything, I called and asked If I could take my exam another day.
The lady who answered it immediately denied my request, as expected.
Then, being as patient and kind as possible, I tried to explain my situation.
But she was very rude and cut my explanation short, not letting me even say what my illness was.
The person he was talking to on the phone refused all his requests.
As a last attempt, I asked if at least I could take the exam in a separate classroom.
Then she told me to wait on the line.
I heard some people talking in the background and laughing.
After she left me hanging for more than ten minutes, she comes back just to say that there is no way.
So, I thanked her and hung up.
So, he went to take the exam.
I don’t really know what the heck they expected.
That I didn’t come and failed my very last test?
Hell no.
So I went… looking absolutely hideous.
Not a square inch of my skin didn’t have a mad hash, including my face.
The class monitor asked him to remove his cap and sunglasses.
In the class, after the monitor arrives, he told me to remove my sunglasses and cap, as per regulations.
And so I did, including my jacket and medical face mask.
Oh boy, I’ll never forget his facial expression.
He started fake coughing, so the monitor left the room.
And then my fun begins.
During the test, I start to fake cough like a man about to die
Getting really good on my act, it was really amusing seeing the monitor’s reaction going from little apprehension to total panic.
Until he gave up and left, leaving the class unattended!
Overall, he did well on his exam.
Barely able to hold my bursting laugh at this point, my colleague who knew what was going on, look at me.
Also holding his laugh and shaking his head.
In the end, I did pretty well on the exam and had my fun, including paying a visit to the lady who left me hanging.
Later on, after graduation, I found out through a friend that I became sort of a famous joke.
Like the guy who came back from the dead to attend his exam.
What a happy ending. Haha!
Let’s find out the reactions of other people.
This person says chickenpox led him to a new direction.
This one shares some petty revenge ideas.
Another similar experience from this user.
How about doing a zombie move?
Finally, here’s a perfect response to the person who didn’t allow rescheduling.
This is where your colleagues sue the school for making them sick.
Why don’t professors like these learn?
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · chickenpox, exam, fake cough, malicious compliane, monitor, picture, reddit, top

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