Dog Won’t Stop Barking At Night, So The Next Door Neighbor Starts Barking Back Through The Walls
by Jayne Elliott
It can be really infuriating with a neighbor’s dog is barking at night while you’re trying to sleep.
It seems like there’s nothing you can do to stop the dog from barking, especially if the neighbor isn’t even home.
In today’s story, the person living in the townhouse next to the dog seems to have decided that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA For barking through the wall at my neighbor’s dog?
Me and my wife have been having an ongoing feud with our neighbors – they have a very large and obnoxious dog that howls into all hours of the night
(We will be moving into a new house very soon, but are currently living in a townhouse beside them.)
The dog barks when the neighbor is gone at night.
Ever since our fat neighbor (37F) lost a bunch of weight, she has been having a mid life crisis.
She has been going out to the club almost daily, trying re-live her 20’s and maybe lure a new man to take care of her.
Which is fine, but the dog is left neglected and at home, whining and howling at all hours of the night.
This continues, even in spite of my repeated conversations with her about it, trying to handle things nicely.
He has resorted to barking like a dog!
One night when the dog was being particularly loud, I decided to “woof” back at the wall – and sure enough, the dog became more excited and began to bark even louder.
I decided that I would teach my neighbor a lesson and have been barking through the wall each morning at 3-4Am
(When I know my neighbor will be drunk and hung over) in an attempt to entice the dog into barking loudly
– I have woken my neighbor up at least 3 times over the last couple of weeks using this method.
Should he stop barking through the wall?
It feels justified to me, because I’m just giving her a taste of what I’ve been having to deal with.
And besides, her lazy butt should be getting up at a decent hour anyway, not getting hammered at the club until 12am and then being a dangerous driver on the way to work in the morning.
Wow, that’s weird for a human to bark at a dog to try to get revenge on the neighbor.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
There’s a better way to handle this situation.
This person suggests calling the police.
Here’s another vote for calling the police.
Seriously, why did he mention the neighbor’s appearance?
This person would call the police on both neighbors!
Messing with the dog out of spite is not cool!
This is borderline unhinged behavior.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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