He Took Time Off Work To Enjoy A Relaxing Break At Home, But His Fiancé Wants Them To Take A Road Trip To Her Dad’s House Instead
by Sarrah Murtaza
Sometimes all you need is a good night sleep and a few days off work to feel refreshed, but guess what? Not everyone gets what they want!
This guy started questioning his choices when his fiancé suggested taking a road trip to see family. Should he choose time at home or give in to his fiancé’s wishes?
Check out the full story.
WIBTA if I didn’t take my fiancé to visit her dad’s side of the family for Christmas?
So I put in for 2 days off before Christmas about a week ago, planning to have a much needed rest from work.
My fiancé talked to her father last night and has now decided she wants to go see them for Christmas.
We can’t afford to fly right now so it would be a 11 hour drive one way.
I have told her that it’s not really what I planned to do with my time off and that I would think about it.
He is extremely conflicted!
So I am wrestling with this in my head.
I work very hard, and make all the money in our relationship and I allow her to kind of be a stay at home mom though we don’t have children yet.
He was really hoping to get some days off.
I don’t get much time to myself, and was really looking forward to this extra long weekend, but I love her very much and don’t want to keep her from her family.
Would I be TA if I told her no we’re not doing that?
If so what do I do? Thanks.
YIKES! That sounds more tiring than going to work!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This user thinks this guy’s fiancé needs to get a job!
This user thinks this guy’s fiancé is being really unreasonable.
That’s right! This guy suggests letting the fiancé drive to the other city by herself.
That’s right! This user makes a good point.
Exactly! This user knows this couple needs two incomes and not one.
Sounds like the fiancé needs to get a job.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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