Her Family And Friends Came To Her Graduation, But Didn’t Bother To Watch Her Get Her Diploma. Now She’s So Upset That She Doesn’t Want To Do Anything After Besides Go Back To Her Room.
by Ashley Ashbee
Your family is supposed to love you and support you and celebrate big events in your life.
If they don’t or they don’t care about your feelings, it’s devastating.
See why this teenager is hurt and upset about her family’s actions.
AITA for going to my room and sleeping after graduation
I graduated and my family, boyfriend, and friends totally missed me walking on stage.
I communicated several times throughout the ceremony and messaged them a couple times leading up to our row getting called to the stage and they still missed it.
Then she gets super disappointed.
They said they’ll just watch me walk out the stadium and they missed that too… I have also messaged them and told them when I was walking out and where.
Plus I messaged them again when I was getting close to walking in front of their bleachers’ section. And they missed it because they left soon as they saw other students being released.
We all found each other outside the stadium and by this time, the place I wanted to go to will close in 35 minutes and it is 20 minutes away.
They wanted to take pictures and I asked if we can do it later.
They said they wanted to take pictures with the decor so I said okay.
We waited since there were a lot of people.
Her disappointment turns to anger.
We ended up just taking 5 photos and left.
By the time we got to the car, our ETA to the place is 2 minutes after they closed.
This was my last straw.
We just went home and I was silent, crying to myself the whole ride back.
When we got back I got told not to ruin the night just because we didn’t go to the restaurant.
Now AITA for being sensitive and just wanting to sulk in my room after graduation?
I was just so hurt, disappointed and upset after the whole night.
That sounds like a disappointing day.
Here is what folks are saying on Reddit.
This seems manipulative.
I’d be livid and crying, I think. Your parents are supposed to support you and love you.
Go mom! This is how it should be.
It’s terrible, but you’ll feel better if you accept this.
I love the compassion here. It’s exactly right.
They missed everything that was important to her.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, graduation, grief, life, milestones, picture, reddit, top, toxic family, toxic friends, toxic parents

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