His Fiancée Cheated On Him And Broke His Heart, So They Broke It Off And He Got Her Fired From Her Car Sales Job
by Ashley Ashbee
A scorned lover is something to behold, someone with unspeakable power and hunger. Or it’s at least someone who can get you fired and blackballed, like in this story.
Read on to find out why you should never give anyone the ammo and motive to bring you down.
She broke my heart, I broke her career.
My ex-fiancée and I were together a good amount of time. I fell in love with her, put a ring on her finger and was completely loyal to her for the whole stretch. I’ll use J for short.
J decided to tell me that she wasn’t happy, she needed a break. She was no longer in love with me. After some digging, I found out she was screwing around behind my back. When confronted, she deleted everything.
This meant war!
Compared to her phone records, there was quite a bit missing. After betraying my trust and lying to me for 8 months straight, I felt it was necessary to even the playing field considering she wasn’t feeling the same hurt I was feeling.
J worked in the car sales industry. During her time there, she would send me surveys to complete if she thought her customers would leave a bad one. It’s an industry norm but never talked about. Negative surveys lead to a lower average and if the average drops below a certain point, she owes money. If it stays above, she gets money for every positive survey she has.
This is against her company’s customer privacy policies. We would intentionally leave the house so my home IP wouldn’t be attached. I was getting credit card offers in my email for these customers.
On top of the survey fiasco, she was taking certification tests for people at her workplace for cash and who knows what else.
The worst part was the guy she was screwing around with was a co-worker. She originally masked her texts with him by saying she was working a deal.
My next step here was to write this all up, send it to the manufacturer, her employers Corporate office and the trainer for the region. I also included some media sites, made it so they would feel more inclined to take action.
Then he savoured his defeat.
The next day I was contacted by her corporate office and asked to call in to provide more detail. I did and was assured that this matter will be investigated swiftly. I was able to provide the emails to Corporate and that’s what ultimately sealed the coffin.
During this ordeal, I wasn’t quiet about it. I told J what I was doing. She thought the managers had her back and she was untouchable.
A day passes, she leaves for work, an hour later she returns. Screaming and crying about how she got suspended. The following day, I get a text from J saying she had been fired.
Not only did she lose her job, she lost her career. She will never step back into a car sales position for the rest of her life.
Here is what folks are saying.
Wouldn’t surprise me.
Maybe. But I suspect he also created a bullet.
LOL is it that seedy?
Being the bigger person is underrated.
I bet it’s real. Criminals tend to not think things through.
How about moving on with your life?
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad career moves, car sales, fired, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge on cheaters, top

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