His Grandparents Kept Telling Him To Change His Hilarious Voicemail, So He Decided To Change His Message To Something Truly Frustrating But Completely Clean
by Mila Cardozo
This man shared that his grandparents and his parents didn’t like his voicemail because it had “filthy language” in it. They kept asking him to change it.
Well, he decided to maliciously comply and try out new voicemail idea. They didn’t approve of those either.
Let’s read the full story.
They wanted me to change my voicemail… so I did
For the longest time, I had a voicemail where I just said something along the lines of “Just leave a ******** voicemail.”
But my conservative grandparents didn’t appreciate such filthy language being used.
Understandable, but he disagreed.
I told them multiple times that it was my voicemail and I could do with it as I pleased, but they never let up.
Eventually, they got to my parents who continuously asked me to change it because it was “disrespectful” to my grandparents.
After months of on-and-off arguing, I decided I would make a clean voicemail to make them shut up.
But my plan was archer-esque.
He was up to no good.
Initially, I changed it to me saying “hello” multiple times until I said: “Hold on a second.”
Following that, I coughed a couple of times and said “HA! Elaborate voicemail! Leave it.”
To no surprise, they didn’t enjoy that voicemail either.
I told them it was clean but they still complained because they kept thinking I had answered.
He had more elaborate ideas to get out of his system.
After a couple of weeks, I began changing the voicemail frequently to keep them guessing.
My favorite one was when I went out of my way to go to a busy train station and began my voicemail by saying: “Just a second, I’m at a train station getting my ticket right now.”
After a few seconds, I said: “Yeah, just felt like leaving. Not really much for me here anymore.”
Then I dropped my phone on the ground and let the ambient noise come through for about 30 seconds. Then I shouted with a scream of agony. My friend picked up the phone and said “(My name) isn’t here anymore.”
Then after another 30 seconds, I picked up and said “HA! Elaborate voicemail! Leave it!.”
You gotta applaud the dedication.
Needless to say, they liked that one the least.
I still change it from time to time.
Well, at least there’s no “filthy language.”
His poor grandparents.
Let’s see Reddit’s take is on this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
Uncle Fester?
Someone shares a few ideas.
This commenter shares another story.
Another reader chimes in.
This one went too far.
That’s one way to handle criticism.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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