New Banker Owned A Large Portion Of A Farm, But Got Too Pushy With A Farmer. So When The Banker Was Headed Towards A Filthy Pit, The Farmer Kept His Mouth Shut And Watched What Happened.
by Ashley Ashbee
There are a lot of hazards on any job site or in any field work. It can be disgusting and infuriating, but just part of the territory.
Fortunately, sometimes a mess works in your favor. At least it did for the farmer in this story. See the mess his banker got into.
Sometimes the best revenge isn’t planned in advance.
My grandfather had been a soldier, boxer, police officer, and eventually became a farmer shortly after my father was born. We’re from a small community in Canada where everyone knows everyone and having a person bully others just isn’t okay.
My grandfather’s farm was quite large. Acres upon acres of potatoes and grain, over 5000 laying hens and a sizable herd of pigs.
Things aren’t as harmonious as they seem.
But as all farmers at the time were, the local bank owned much of the farm.
One year was a particularly rough year for them. Disease had spread through the pig barn and the entire herd was lost. This was devastating as it was their most valuable source of income. My grandfather had made arrangements with the bank that the grain harvest (which normally fed the pigs) would be sold to make payments on the loans to the bank.
The banker was great with this. The problem arose when a new loan officer moved to the community and took over my grandfather’s account. He demanded payment much earlier than what had been previously agreed.
The revenge started with my grandfather inviting the banker out to the farm to discuss terms. They were walking through the completely empty pig barn. This was the type of barn where the manure from the pigs would flow out of the stalls, into a trough, and down to the end of the barn, filling a massive pit.
Because of all of the recent rain in the area and the lack of use of the barn, the water had filled this pit and a nice layer of straw dust had settled over the entire thing.
This caused two things. First, the concrete walkways were only raised about an inch over the manure filled water, and secondly, unless you knew where you were going or looking down intently, it was easy to step off of said walk way.
Here’s where it gets grossly dramatic.
Well the meeting wasn’t going well. They were walking through the barn to the end of the row and my grandfather wasn’t too pleased. They were walking with the banker in front, my grandfather behind him, and my father taking up the rear.
As they came to the end of the row, the deep pit of manure was in front of them. My father saw that the banker was about to walk straight off of the path so he reached out to grab the banker when out of nowhere my grandfather slapped his hand back and watched as the banker stepped off of the end in his suit and right up to his neck in pig manure.
They grabbed a rope to help the poor guy out but wouldn’t let him in the house to wash off at all. He ended up hosing himself off in the barnyard and driving back to town smelling like a million bucks.
Needless to say, the grain harvest came in a few weeks later and as originally agreed on, my grandfather made the payments.
Here is what folks are saying.
Poor lawyers get so much hate.
I’m sure he’s pretty proud of it.
Do you want a gold star for this pun?
It’s practically Shakespearean.
Okay, this is a pretty creative tall tale then.
As Dorothy in Golden Girls said, “Why do I feel the need to bathe?”
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · banker, canada, disgusting, farmer, loan, picture, prorevenge, reddit, top

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