Obnoxious Cheater Kept Copying Another Student’s Test Answers, So The Other Student Devised A Plan To Get Back At The Cheater
by Heide Lazaro
Getting a degree requires hard work, not just riding the coattails of others.
This man discovered a classmate had been cheating off of him the whole semester, and he decided he wasn’t going to let the cheater get away with it..
Read the story below for the details about how he got even with the cheater.
I Intentionally Gave a Cheater Wrong Answers
My first engineering degree was in Mechatronics Engineering.
It was the last semester, and we were in an Industrial Mechanisms class.
The entire time I had gone to college, there were two guys that we will call CJ and Solomon.
Those were their real names.
CJ and Solomon didn’t like this man because he did well in class.
They were the most obnoxious and arrogant people you’d ever meet.
They were loud, annoying, rude, profane, and just overall terrible people.
To top it off, they didn’t like me.
That’s because I usually finished my tests first and got good remarks from my teachers.
One classmate was worse than the other.
Well, CJ was kind of an idiot.
He rode the coattails of his friend, Solomon, pretty often.
Neither were great.
But Solomon tried harder than CJ, usually.
The tests in this particular class are very difficult.
In this Mechanisms class, everyone thought the tests were pretty tough.
Lots of formulas, memorization, etc.
On top of really long tests in general.
One of the arrogant classmates has been cheating off of this man.
In this class, I had been unfortunate enough for CJ to sit beside me all semester.
I knew that he had been cheating off of my tests and lab work.
I found out later he stole my lab papers and copied some programs I had written.
So he decided to get his revenge.
On this test, I decided to let him suffer.
I wrote down wrong answers everywhere.
Answer is true? False.
Answer is 76.8lb-ft? 55.9HP.
I would leave enough right so it wasn’t obvious, but I bombed that test.
His plan worked.
Then I started “stretching” and “checking my answers.”
While doing this, I saw him frantically and casually copying my answers.
When he was done, he turned his test in.
I went back and changed all of my answers.
CJ was caught off guard.
The teacher gave us our tests back.
He had bombed it.
I still remember the look of shock on his face.
CJ was so mad when he realized what had happened.
He then looked over to my test and saw the grade on it.
I then saw him checking “his” answers and my answers in utter confusion.
Then, there was a look of realization and he seemed annoyed.
He never copied my tests again.
Haha! That was funny and well deserved revenge! Now, let’s check out the comments of other people on Reddit.
This person is impressed.
A teacher shares their experience.
Another teacher encourages this tactic.
This one is amused.
Finally, well done, says this one.
It takes a genius to be able to pull this off.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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