Semi-Trailer Truck Was Tailgating A Car On A Dangerous Highway, So The Car’s Driver Decided To Mess With The Truck Driver
by Heide Lazaro
Don’t you hate it when a big truck tailgates you? It doesn’t exactly feel safe.
What would you do in a situation like this? Would you let the truck continue to tailgate you, or would you try to get revenge?
This man was very annoyed with the semi-trailer truck “riding his bumper,” so when he got the chance, he annoyed the driver of the semi truck.
Read the story below for all the details.
Ride my bumper? Let’s see about that
I live in NW Ontario, Canada, and often travel to Winnipeg
This was a 200-km (130-mile) trip that crosses a provincial border part way through the trip.
Tailgating trucks are often an issue, and a dangerous one as this highway has only two lanes, and truckers get frustrated with all the turns and hills through some very rocky and hilly terrain.
This man noticed that a semi-trailer was tailgating him.
On one trip, I had a semi-trailer pull up so close to me that I could only see his grill in my rear view mirror even though I was traveling above the speed limit.
I was annoyed but also hopeful that he would have to stop at the upcoming Manitoba border for truck inspection.
So I just sped up a bit, but he kept coming.
He started slowing down.
Unfortunately, the inspection station was closed, so he had no need to stop.
Immediately past the inspection station, there are two consecutive deep valleys between hills.
As I entered the first one, I began to slow down, then got slower and slower.
Knowing he would have to either hit me or gear down, I was prepared to hit the gas if he chose to get even closer.
Then he sped up, seeing the truck struggling to gear up again.
By the time I got to the bottom of the valley, I was doing under 30 kph (less than 20 mph).
I knew he was fully geared down by now.
I gave a quick honk, sped up and, in my mirror, watched, and chuckled as he had to begin gearing up, bit by bit on a very steep incline to the top of the hill.
Petty, but I felt pretty good about making him suffer a lot of gear changes and lost time.
Having a semi-truck tail you can be dangerous, but at least the revenge worked.
Let’s read the reactions of other people to this story on Reddit.
Someone who drives a semi truck expresses their thoughts.
This person would have done the same.
This user shares their opinion.
This person says he’s playing with fire with his driving style.
And lastly, has anybody else watched Alone?
What a dangerous game to play in a two-lane highway!
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · highway, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, semi-trailer, speed limit, top, trucks

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