She Always Takes The Train To Work, But Her Coworker Is Mad At Her For Refusing To Carpool With Her Instead
by Jayne Elliott
Carpooling with coworkers can be a great way to save time and money, but it’s not always convenient.
In today’s story, one young woman shares that it’s actually less expensive for her to take the train to work than to carpool with a coworker; however, her coworker still wants her to carpool with her.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for making my colleague work different hours and not caring about her money
Since april i’ve (21F) had to take the train to get to my work.
I work 7-3 but i have to get up at 5am to not be late for my train at 6.
I’ve gotten used to this and feel no need to ask anybody for a ride.
A coworker offered to drive her to work.
But we have a new coworker (23F, lets call her X) who is really polite and funny and overall i like her a lot.
X is from my town and recently asked me if i would like to drive to work with her, since she has a car and i don’t.
I’ve considered it but because i have a lot of discounts (im a student) the cost of taking the train is 4 times less than what i would have to pay if i drove with her (if we split the cost of gas in half).
So i declined politely.
Her coworkers think she should’ve agreed to carpool.
Here’s the issue: this happened two weeks ago and now some of my other colleagues told me that i was TA for refusing.
I also found out that X talked badly behind my back because of this situation.
They said that because I refused she has to pay full price for gas and she’s also young and needs the money.
Her coworker is also mad about her schedule at work.
Additionally, as i said i work 7-3 but my other coworkers work 8-4.
If I agreed to drive with X, our boss agreed to let her work 7-3 as well (which she prefers).
Apparently I should have taken this into consideration (even though she didn’t mention this at all) but honestly even if she told me I wouldn’t change my mind.
I got accused of making her work different hours on purpose and heartless for making ‘another young woman like me throw away money’.
I think it’s ridiculous!
She thinks the coworker should take the train too.
I’m 21 trying to save money for rent (I wanna move out from my parents house next year) and I also pay for my university, so i try to save every penny.
X is still trying to convince me to agree but as for now I still said no.
I feel like X should take the train as well (even tho she’s not a student and won’t get a discount its still cheaper than buying gas) if she wants to save money.
Im sure our boss would still let her work 7-3 then… But at the same time i understand X, driving is much more comfortable than taking the train and she lives further away from the train station than i do.
So… AITA??
Just because a coworker asks you if you want to carpool doesn’t mean you have to say yes. It’s a question not a demand. X is being unreasonable.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
This reader reassures her that she’s not doing anything wrong.
Another reader thinks she made the right decision.
This person thinks the coworkers sound really stupid.
The coworker should take the train.
It might be a good idea to stay away from this coworker.
This coworker sounds way too pushy and manipulative.
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