Shopper Moves Cart Blocking Grocery Aisle To Another Location, Prompting Storewide Announcements And A Headache For The Inconsiderate Shopper
by Heather Hall
Some shoppers have a way of turning a simple grocery trip into an obstacle course.
So, what would you do if someone left their nearly full cart blocking the aisle without a care for others?
Would you confront them?
Or would you move it?
In today’s story, one frustrated shopper finds themselves in this very situation and opts for the latter.
Here’s how it all played out.
Almost Full Shopping Cart That was Blocking Aisle
I was grocery shopping, and a woman left her cart almost completely blocking the aisle while she went to a different aisle.
I don’t think she could have blocked the aisle better if she tried.
There was more than enough room if she had just put it to the side and faced it correctly, but she left it in the middle of the aisle sideways.
It was almost completely full, so she had been shopping for a while.
The store tried to help find her shopping cart.
The fact that she was being so inconsiderate of everyone else annoyed me.
I did a quick scan of the cart and did not see anything that was perishable, and then pushed her cart five aisles from where it was.
About five minutes later the grocery store announced over the PA if you took a cart from aisle X, you may have taken the wrong cart, please come to the customer service area.
Five minutes later, the same announcement.
I smiled and finished shopping, thinking of her having to start from the beginning.
It’s weird that she didn’t look around for the cart at all.
Let’s see how Reddit readers relate to this situation.
Apparently, some stores will empty the cart when they think it’s abandoned.
Ouch, this person was hit by someone’s cart twice.
Here’s a great example of why her actions were so rude.
This person recently did something similar.
Bravo for this person!
That lady should have to shop for everything again because what she did was beyond rude.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · cart, entitled shopper, funny prank, grocery shopping, petty revenge, picture, reddit, rude lady, top

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