Sister Chooses A Horrible Name For Her Baby, But When A Sibling Used Humor To Try To Get Her To Change Her Mind, The Jokes Only Made Things Worse
by Benjamin Cottrell
Choosing a baby name is a deeply personal decision, but when your choice is met with raised eyebrows from those closest to you, it might be time to reconsider.
When one sibling tried to be honest with their sister about her bold baby name, it led to much more drama than they bargained for.
You’ll want to read on for this one.
AITA for mocking my pregnant sisters choices?
My sister (who took her husband’s surname, Farmer, when she married) is pregnant.
She recently announced that they plan to name him Sherlock.
I assumed this was some bizarre joke because… well… you cannot name a baby Sherlock.
But it turns out they’re serious.
The sibling immediately tries to change their sister’s mind.
I told her that admiration for a famous person or character isn’t a reason to name someone.
I admire Dick Van Dyke, but I wouldn’t saddle a child with that name because I’m not psycho.
But the sister was sticking to her guns.
She argued that Sherlock was different because it “wasn’t offensive.”
I said that her son would find it pretty offensive when he was being bullied for it in high school.
So the sibling tries a different approach to try and persuade their sister.
I love my sister, and I know it’s not really my business what she names her kid, so I kept my comments jokey and light and didn’t push it. But, seriously? She just can’t.
Later that night, I created a collage of Jeremy Brett, Johnny Lee Miller, and Bendylick Crumplepatch, planted in a field, being tended by a baby in a hat. I sent it to her with the caption “Sherlock Farmer.”
I thought it was kinda cute and funny, but I hoped it might make her second-guess her bizarre choice.
But the sister didn’t react well at all.
Instead, she called me screaming that I’m evil, have no right to judge her choices, and that her husband’s entire family are going to hear about how I mocked their surname (which was in no way my intention).
She also said I’m no longer her sister until I can learn not to be a judgmental jerk.
The sibling feels bad now, and tries to mend their relationship with their sister.
I’ve apologized for my poor taste in humor.
I’ve deleted the picture, and I’ve made it clear that I wasn’t mocking the surname Farmer.
Still, they feel like they did the right thing by trying to get her to choose a different name.
And still, she won’t talk to me.
I’ve dropped it because I don’t wish to further upset a pregnant person, but I really don’t think I was in the wrong.
I guess that’s why she won’t forgive me.
So, tell me. Am I wrong here? Do I need to change my way of thinking?
Some people use humor to diffuse the tension, but it was clear this expectant mother wasn’t ready to hear it.
Let’s see Reddit weigh in.
Someone who’s actually named Sherlock weighs in,
This commenter also can’t imagine choosing a name like this for a child.
There’s something to be said for someone who is genuinely sorry for hurting someone they love, even if they still disagree with one another.
This Redditor thinks everyone should have behaved better.
Humor doesn’t always soften the blow.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, awkward situations, baby names, bad baby name, family drama, picture, pregnancy, reddit, siblings, siblings fighting, top

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