He Refused To Share His Barbecue Surprise Bag With His Girlfriend Even Though She Only Got Soup In Hers
by Mila Cardozo
Nobody is born knowing how to be a good friend or a good partner.
But this guy needs to take a whole course on how to be a decent boyfriend/person if he wants to continue having a girlfriend.
After she got upset when he refused to share his food with her, he decided to do some self-reflection and ask the internet if he was in the wrong.
Let’s read the story.
AITA for not giving my girlfriend (25f) my dinner after I had already bought her dinner?
My girlfriend (25F) and I (29M) live in NYC and there’s a popular app where you buy leftover restaurant food.
Restaurants advertise “surprise bags” at a reduced price in order to reduce food waste.
The customer doesn’t know what they’re getting until they pick the food up, but the cost is at least 3x lower than the normal menu price.
(EG if an entree is usually $24, the restaurant is allowed to charge $8 at most for it.)
Sounds like a good deal, but nobody knows what they’re going to get.
These are hit or miss – sometimes you get exactly what you want at a greatly reduced price, but sometimes you get something that you otherwise wouldn’t have picked from the menu.
I ordered a surprise bag from a barbecue place that I was picking up on the way home yesterday.
I texted my girlfriend asking if she wanted one but she said no, she wasn’t in the mood for barbecue.
However, there was an Indian restaurant right next door that also had surprise bags available on the app, so she ordered one of them.
Why not get one from each place?
The barbecue was $12 and the Indian food was $10.
When I get home I unpack the meals to see what we got.
I was psyched about my bag.
Since I paid $12 I knew the value had to be at least $36, but honestly, the platter looked a lot more expensive.
This was a hit.
From what he said, there was a lot of food…
(Keep in mind that we live in the West Village, which is the most expensive neighborhood in the most expensive city in the US, so $36 for one meal is pretty typical.)
There were burnt ends, ribs, pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, bread, onions, and pickles.
Sounds amazing! But things go awry pretty quickly when the lucky bag goes to his head.
My girlfriend, however, was less lucky.
Her surprise bag only had 6 different types of soup, half of them being variations on cauliflower soup.
She was disappointed to say the least.
She asked if we should share my barbecue and I said “no, I’m hungry, I offered to buy you some already and you said no, so I’m going to devour it”.
She got mad and called me the *******.
I’m not surprised. But he doubled down.
I told her if she didn’t want soup she should have ordered something specifically instead of using the surprise bag app.
I then told her to just order something off a food delivery app.
She said she didn’t want to spend the money (another bit of context is I make a lot more money than her and pay all of our rent, I know she’s running a bit of a lean financial picture right now.)
He decided the best course of action was to be double selfish.
I then tell her that if she doesn’t want to pay for delivery, I’ll walk to the bodega on our street and can buy her something there.
(Another bit of context is that we live on a 4th floor walkup with no elevator and she broke her leg in a car accident a month ago, so it can be tough for her to get around.)
Thriple selfish!
She says the grill is probably off there and all she wants is a hot meal. I tell her she has soup.
That’s so mean. He tries to justify his behavior.
Anyway, she thinks I’m the *******. But in my defense:
(1) I offered to buy her a barbecue to begin with, which she declined.
(2) she picked out her own food and I grabbed it for her on my way home
(3) when she wasn’t satisfied, I suggested two solutions (either ordering something from an app or going to a bodega)
Sharing is caring.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this situation.
A reader shares their thoughts.
This really puts things into perspective.
My thoughts exactly.
Another reader chimes in.
That’s a good question.
He would be a worthy contender in a World’s Most Clueless Boyfriend contest.
Even if she put her soup in the freezer, it couldn’t be colder than his heart.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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