Woman Co-Owns An Inherited Home With Her Crazy Aunt, But Now The Aunt Is Suing Her. So She Wants To Get A Restraining Order To Keep Her Off The Property.
by Jayne Elliott
Inheritance can sometimes bring out the worst traits in family members, like greed and hate.
In today’s story, a woman is at war with her aunt about the house that her grandmother used to live in, but she’s not sure how far she should go to keep the aunt’s drama away from her.
Let’s read the story to see if she’s making the right decision or not.
AITA Getting A Stay Away Order from an Unstable Family Member
My husband and I have been trying to purchase my grandmother’s house for the last 5 years.
I’ve lived there with my children for over a decade and cared for her before her passing in late 2023.
My Grandmother was adamant she wanted us to buy the home, but a previously filed trust agreement prevented her from legally being able to sell it to us.
Upon her death, the trust was converted into half-ownership between my Aunt and Mom.
She’s pouring money into the house.
We moved ahead with a Promissory Note for my mom’s half and became half-owners.
The house is in rough shape and my husband and I have spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of man-hours to make it livable.
We have been paying every utility bill and keeping up with all maintenance and repairs.
We have never asked my aunt or anyone for that matter, for a dime, and did it happily to help my Grandma.
The Aunt is making the situation difficult.
My Aunt, who has long hated my mom (and me by extension), has now sued us for an amount much greater than the total value of the home and has been uncooperative and unreasonable with us and our attorney.
We finally came to an agreement, and she was forced to attest to the judge she would sell it for more than $60k over her appraised half (apprised by an appraiser that her lawyer hired).
In the interim, we are footing the insurance (which isn’t easy due to the state of the house) and paying the back taxes that were never paid, as we are working with our Mortgage to get this loan closed.
The Aunt sounds like a horrible person.
Throughout the last 5 years, she has sent several threatening texts and likes to only come by the house when my husband and I are not home, and our two children are.
She forced us to allow her daughter (my cousin) to move into our first floor (split level) for a year while we fronted the cost and then it was left in an unlivable condition, that my husband and once again paid to restore out of our own pockets.
My Aunt has a long history of suing people (besides us) and is not mentally stable.
Once the house is solely in our name, we don’t trust that she won’t come on our property, when we’re not home and do something malicious.
She’s wondering if a stay-away order is going too far.
It has taken such a toll on us, that we have considered throwing up our hands and trying to find a different home, but with a divorce decree with my ex-husband, we need to stay within their current school district.
She is a chronically single 70-something retiree, who could move anywhere in the world.
We want to get a stay-away order to stop her from being able to come on our property, but some other family members believe it’s unnecessary and we are overreacting.
We honestly don’t trust her and our kids are worried, so we feel it is absolutely necessary.
AITA for moving ahead with it?
That sounds like a tough situation to be in.
I don’t think a stay-away order sounds unreasonable.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted.
She should’ve thought this through better.
A stay-away order might not be enough.
She needs to put her children first.
This reader has a lot of good suggestions.
She shouldn’t have moved into the house until she bought it outright.
But it’s too late to do anything about that now.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, aunt, court, home ownership, inheritance, judge, picture, reddit, top

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