While They Were At Church, Their In-Laws Let Themselves In, Trashed The House As A Prank, Lied About It, And Then Got Mad When They Didn’t Find It Funny
by Heather Hall
Family visits are one thing, but letting themselves into your home and causing chaos is something else entirely.
So, what would you do if relatives entered your house while you were gone, messed with your belongings, and then lied when you confronted them? Would you accept it as a joke? Or would you let them know just how far they crossed the line?
In the following story, one couple finds themselves dealing with this exact predicament. Here’s what happened.
AITA for getting angry about family coming over unannounced
My husband’s brother & wife were in town.
While we were at church, they went through our house.
They left all the TVs on, went into our kids’ rooms and put bras and underwear on the ceiling fans, left tissues all over the floor, and left the music on blast.
When asked about it, the couple lied.
When we confronted them about it, they denied it.
At this point, we were worried we actually were broken into and said we needed to call the police.
Then, they started laughing and admitted they did it.
Now they are mad at us for being upset.
Yikes! It’s hard to believe this story is about grown adults.
Let’s check out what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about this story.
This person thinks they should be reported to the police.
As this comment points out, that must’ve been scary.
Here’s an excellent way to handle the situation.
Great point.
Yes, it does take intention and effort.
These people are out of their minds.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · acting crazy, aita, annoying prank, bad brother, bad sister in law, breaking in, picture, reddit, top, trashed house

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