Couple’s Unexpected Guests Expect To Stay Overnight, But She Said No Because They Brought Their Kids
by Ashley Ashbee
It’s awkward when your guest assums you’ll accommodate their wishes without discussing it with you beforehand.
What would you do if a friend came over for dinner and then expected to spend the night? It might be okay if you had planned that ahead of time, but would you say yes if it wasn’t planned?
The woman in this story had multiple reasons for not wanting her house guests to spend the night, but she’s questioning her decision.
Let’s read all the details.
AITA for not letting small children stay at my house?
My spouse and I do not have children, but some of his friends do and some of mine do as well though.
Some of my friends have kids that are 13+ and some of his friends kids are 2-5 years.
Where I might be a jerk is a few weeks ago one of his friends came over to hang out.
My spouse didn’t know he was coming with his wife and her children 2 & 3 yrs old.
That wasn’t the only surprise.
They get here and we hang out and chat.
His friend didn’t want to drive home, so they assumed they could stay here.
I said no, that I don’t have kids and my home is not childproof. Also, I have some expense stuff they could mess up if they aren’t monitored (work computer, curio cabinet, etc).
And she’s uneasy about the episode.
Not that they don’t watch their kids, but what if they wake up before the parents? Now that is on me because it’s my house if they get hurt or break something.
They left kind of mad and now I’m wondering if I was a jerk for saying no to the couple & their kids staying the night?
It seems pretty rude to expect to spend the night at a friend’s house with your entire family without any notice. Most people aren’t prepared for that.
Here is what folks on Reddit are saying.
I feel sorry for their kids.
That’s what a mature person would have done.
It’s so bizarre.
Not a friend at all.
I hope their kids stay safe.
See you in another lifetime, bud.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad parenting, entitled parents, picture, reddit, rude, toddler, top, unwanted guests

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