March 12, 2025 at 6:22 pm

Customer Refused To Listen And Accept The Rules, So This Gas Station Employee Made Made Her Wait A Long Time To Get Her Lottery Winnings

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Canva

Store policies exist for a reason.

This man had strict limits on how much cash he can keep in the register at night.

One customer, who already knew the rules, refused to listen and demanded her lottery winnings in cash.

So he decided to teach her a lesson… by following the policy to the letter.

Read the story below to find out what happened.

Crazy Lottery Lady gets mad that I can’t cash ticket.

I work at a small gas station that has been robbed a few times.

Because of that, we can only keep about $70 max in the register at night.

This lady knows this.

(We’ll call her Crazy Lottery Lady or CLL).

This man explained to the lady that they can’t cash more than $40.

I’ve explained this to her multiple times that I can’t cash anything over $40.

I also can’t even scan tickets worth over $100 because the system won’t let me cancel them.

The customer ignored the rules and demanded her ticket be scanned.

So here is where my story begins.

She buys her tickets, scratches off only the barcode, and hands it back to me to check.

Me: Ma’am, I really don’t think I can scan this without knowing how much it’s worth. I don’t keep much money up this late (which she already knows).

He offered more explanation to her.

CLL: You say that every night and I don’t see why you can’t cash or cancel it out. Everybody else can (This is a lie as it’s a state wide system. They all work the same).

Me: Well, this is a much smaller store than some of the other ones. And I can only keep so much up.

She got aggressive, so he complied.

CLL: Well, you are going to scan it tonight. And you are going to cash it if it’s a winner.

Me: Alright.

I scanned it and it’s a $60 winner.

I couldn’t cancel it out like I said, and only had $50 (give or take) in my drawer..

She won and demanded to get her money.

So here comes the malicious compliance.

Me: You won $60.

CLL: Good, I’ll just take the money.

Me: Ok. Go stand over there. This may be awhile.

He explained why it would take a while.

CLL: What do you mean awhile? I want my money!

Me: Well like I told you, I might not be able to cash it. I only have $50 in the register. I also need money to operate. So once I do, maybe I can pay you out $35 in sales.

She waited for 45 minutes!

After some huffing and puffing, she went to the corner and waited for roughly 45 minutes, as it was late and kinda dead.

I would like to say she probably learned something from this, but from past experiences with her she’s learned nothing.

At least, I got the satisfaction of watching her getting progressively more annoyed that she had to wait.

And that’s enough for me.

Hopefully she doesn’t do this again.

Let’s read the reactions of other people to this story on Reddit.

This person voices their personal thoughts.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This user shares a bad experience with a lottery fan.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This would have been funnier.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

And lastly, another similar experience from this person.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Some people are just annoyingly entitled!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.