March 7, 2025 at 9:21 am

Customer Support Refused To Solve A Faulty WiFi Connection, But A Customer’s Smart Loophole Made Them Finally Pay Attention And Fix It

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/ChayTee, Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Customer service is supposed to fix problems, not create new ones.

But when one customer’s internet kept cutting out, the only thing their cable provider guaranteed was more frustration.

Fortunately, a convenient loophole and a well-timed smirk changed everything.

Read on for the full story!

Cable company would not fix my issue until it costed them money to fix it.

Back in 2015, my cable company had terrible support.

My cable modem would constantly reset itself, and the technicians wouldn’t help.

Not only were they unhelpful, but they were openly hostile, too.

The last technician who came to my home was a jerk of a supervisor who told me that “they do not guarantee WiFi connection, and if I had another technician come over, I would be charged $50 an hour for wasting their time.”

At the time, I had a quad play that included home security.

Instead of connecting the Home Security unit to my WiFi, I used the WiFi included with the security device.

But this cost the company more money.

They did not like this because, apparently, it was costing them too much money. Their service provider for home security was charging them by the hour since the security unit was using too much data.

When they complained about me not using the home security device on the WiFi of my router, I told them, “Why does it matter since you do not guarantee WiFi connection?”

So now that they were really paying attention, they started to see things more clearly.

Another supervisor came and actually found the issue—a bad line in my home. He repaired it, and my router stopped resetting itself.

The look I gave the first supervisor when the second one apologized for his behavior and admitted that, while they don’t guarantee speeds, they should guarantee a proper signal to my device, was a nice big grin.

The real connection issue here wasn’t just the WiFi.

What did Reddit think?

You know what they say: A squeaky wheel gets oiled!

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

With too many middlemen, some things just get lost in translation.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

When a company messes up, the least they can do is try and make up for their mistake.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

The modem wasn’t the only thing that needed a reset.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.