Her Best Friend Used To Tell Her Everything, But Then She Started Getting More Distant, So She Responded By Acting The Same Way, And Now Her Friend Is Mad At Her
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some people can really have the weirdest double standards! For example, if a friend came to town and didn’t tell you wouldn’t it be weird if they got mad at you for doing the exact same thing?
This woman gave her friend a taste of her own medicine and things went downhill fast.
Check out the full story.
AITA for hiding from my friend I was in town
My(34F) friend(35F) Tilly and I are very close.
We live far so can’t meet much but visit each others towns a few times a year and meet then – there’s things to do in both our towns and both have mutual and non mutual friends/family in each others towns.
They’ve been in touch for the longest time.
We talk everyday and have a really close bond sharing happy and difficult moments, I’m closer to her than anyone.
All these years if Tilly is coming into my town she makes a huge fuss out of telling me, talks to me on her journey down, makes sure I make time for her, and even if we can’t meet she’ll update on what she’s doing like visiting a restaurant I recommended, or a mutual friend.
She’ll tell me when she’s leaving and home safe.
This is where it gets bad…
In the last 2 years Tilly has started coming to my town without telling me, only when she’s already here for some time she’ll mention it and if I try to engage with her she’ll act distant.
She’ll tell me why she’s come and it’s the truth as mutual friends are with her.
Sometimes she’s with her mum who I am close to as well. So she’s not doing anything she’s hiding.
The first few times I gave an open ended invitation as usual and she didn’t engage with me. She also left without telling me or that she’s home.
Things got weird…
I didn’t want to seem like I’m badgering her so I left it.
It made me feel really strange and we didn’t resume normal messaging for a few days.
Sometimes she’s only mentioned it as she had to ask me for someone’s address etc and I wondered how many times she’s come without me knowing at all.
I know people will be thinking she wants to cool the friendship, I did too. So in the last year I’ve tried to gently talk to her and after few months asked outright if there’s anything wrong.
She’s been giving mixed signals!
But she said everything’s fine between us and avoided talking to me more.
In between all this she’s talking to me normally, not cooling the friendship in any other way. And most importantly if I go to her town she comes running to surprise me or insist I come to hers.
Often I’m with other people she doesn’t know well but I always make her feel like I appreciate her effort and include her.
She feels really confused!
So she’s kept the same energy in other ways but seemingly holding me at arms when she comes to my town, then we act like it never happened.
After 2 years I feel confused and unsure where we stand.
Then last week group of friends and I were going to Tilly’s town. Tilly doesn’t know them well and thinking about everything I felt weird about telling her and decided not to say anything.
Well Tilly’s friend saw me (from afar) and mentioned it assuming she’d already know because of how close we are.
Now Tilly is upset.
I got a message from Tilly saying she knows I’m here, trying to laugh it off that I didn’t tell her and then saying it was embarrassing with her friend that she didn’t know.
I was taken aback and said I thought she preferred it like this as it’s what she’s been doing.
She got annoyed but barely said anything other than it’s not the same thing, and now hasn’t been communicating with me ever since which feels horrible.
YIKES! That’s so weird!
I wonder what’s really going on with Tilly.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user thinks she doesn’t have to justify her actions and choices!
That makes sense! This user thinks the friend might be hanging out with other people.
She got a taste of her own medicine and didn’t like it.
Exactly! This user thinks she needs to stop hanging out with Tilly.
This user thinks the friend is acting way too entitled!
If her friend hadn’t started acting distant, this never would’ve happened.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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