March 12, 2025 at 9:21 pm

Her Boyfriend’s Relatives Always Ask Her To Drive Them Home At Night, But She Finally Had It And Said She Wouldn’t Be Doing It Anymore

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Driving other people home costs time and money.

This woman was expected to drive her boyfriend’s relatives home every time they went out.

They never offered to pay for gas, and they seem ungrateful, so she finally said no.

Now she’s wondering if she messed up.

Read below for more details.

AITA for refusing to give a ride to my boyfriend’s relatives?

My boyfriend (21M) and I (19F) have been together for 4 years.

During this time, I’ve obviously met his whole family, which is pretty big.

They gather pretty often at parties.

These parties tend to end after the public transportation services close.

This woman drove her boyfriend’s relatives home once.

Some of his relatives don’t have a car of their own, so when it’s this late, they have no way of going back home.

It all started when I was asked to take some people home.

I obviously said yes.

Since then, they expected that I would take them home every time we reunite.

She finds this really annoying.

Mind you, this is a 40-minute ride, at night, and they have never offered to pay for some of the gas.

I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but why is it my job to take these people, who aren’t my family, to their house, for free?

She was always expected to do the task.

This is the worst thing.

There are other people that are able to drive.

It includes my boyfriend’s mom, his two brothers, himself, and I.

But, for some reason, we two always end up being the ones who do the job.

Other family members make excuses.

His mother always uses the excuse that “she will get lost.”

She said that as if I won’t get lost.

She knows that I’ve had my driving license for less than 2 years.

And his brothers are always “busy or tired.”

Her boyfriend expects her to just go with it.

I’ve argued with my boyfriend many times about this.

But he always tells me this:

“That’s how a Latino family is.”

He adds that he doesn’t want to do this either.

She finally said no to his family.

So, the big conflict was yesterday.

As always, I was expected to drive them home, but this time, I said that I was not in the mood to drive.

The family was shocked.

Mind you, this was at 8:00 p.m.

They could have easily gone home by bus.

They just simply wanted a ride because it was easier for them.

They reacted surprised with a mix of disappointment.

But that was it.

Her boyfriend got mad at her.

Later that night, my boyfriend told me that these relatives talked to his mom.

They said that they were “shocked about my behaviour.”

Now, he’s mad at me for “creating unnecessary conflict.”

He said I was “being inconsiderate.”


Her boyfriend’s family sounds horrible. Maybe she should stop going to his family gatherings if they’re going to treat her like their personal driver.

Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.

This user shares their personal thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

He needs to set boundaries, says this person.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person offers a quick suggestion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user doubts that it’s a cultural thing.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, let’s end it with  “they all need to grow up.”

Source: Reddit/AITA

There’s a fine line between asking for a favor and taking advantage of your kindness.

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