March 14, 2025 at 7:21 am

Her Younger Sister Has Started Referring To Her As Her “Half-Sister,” And Their Dad Thinks She Deserves The Blame

by Jayne Elliott

two sisters looking at the camera


How would you react if a sibling started calling you their half sibling when they’re not your half sibling?

Would this bother you, or would you brush it off and ignore it?

In today’s story, an older sister decided not to let it bother her that her younger sister has started claiming that they’re half sisters, but their dad is not okay with this situation.

Let’s read all the details.

AITA for doing nothing now that my sister calls me her half sister?

My sister (10f) and I (16f) are full sisters.

Mom passed when she was 2 and I was 8 and when our dad remarried.

She called her mom but I didn’t.

And I correct anyone who calls her my mom.

Even if that means correcting my dad, sister or stepmom.

To my sister my stepmom is her only mom.

Or at least she’s the one she counts as mom.

Whenever she talks about mom she’ll say “your mom” to me.

Her dad had a warning for her.

When dad remarried he told me I didn’t need to use my stepmom’s first name and I could call her mom too.

I told him I didn’t want to.

He warned me it could cause problems in the future and I shrugged off his warning.

Any problems are worth it to me.

Her sister pretends like they have different biological moms.

My dad doesn’t agree and now we have one of those.

My sister’s mad on my stepmom’s behalf that I won’t call her mom and correct anyone who calls her my mom.

So she decided if I feel that way then we’re half-sisters.

It actually started because she told someone in school that we had different moms and the other kid said that would make us half sisters.

So she decided she’d only say I’m her half-sister and not her sister.

I’m not going to fight a 10 year old over it or beg her to go back to saying I’m her sister.

Dad tried to explain that they’re not half-sisters.

My dad’s reaction was different.

He was mad and he talked to my sister and explained we’re not half siblings and we have the same bio parents.

But she said we’re half sisters anyway because we don’t have the same parents.

Dad said it wasn’t true.

And she said I keep saying it, that her mom isn’t mine and then we don’t have the same mom and we’re half sisters.

Dad talked to her a lot, so did my stepmom.

But she’s standing firm.

Somehow her dad thinks this is her fault.

Dad’s more mad at me than her.

He blamed me for it.

Saying he warned me that there’d be consequences for drawing such hard lines.

I told him that wasn’t my problem and I wasn’t upset.

He said I should be and I should be doing something.

Instead I let my sister call me her half-sister without doing something.

He told me I’m older, I can reach her, I can apologize for upsetting her and making her do it.

Which made me angry at dad because he was blaming it all on me.

She refuses to accept responsibility.

I said it was unfair he was putting her actions on me.

He brought up consequences and how I’m doing nothing and he made it so clear that he puts this all on me.


Her dad isn’t thinking straight if he thinks she’s to blame for her sister thinking she’s her half-sister.

Maybe the dad could show the younger sisters some of her baby pictures with her biological mom to help her understand.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.

This person thinks the dad is the only one with a problem.

reddit comment

She really needs to tell her sister how she feels about their biological mom.

reddit comment

This would be a good way to put it in perspective for their dad.

reddit comment

Here’s a suggestion of how to explain the situation when the younger sister tells someone they’re half sisters.

reddit comment

The younger sister is clearly confused.

But it doesn’t have to be as big of a deal as their dad is making it.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.