His Wife Tells Him He Doesn’t Do Enough To Help With Their Baby, But He Thinks She’s Being Completely Unreasonable And That He Does Plenty
by Heide Lazaro
Having a new baby is hard work.
This man works 50 to 60 hours per week.
His wife does most of the work caring for their baby, and she might be a little annoyed by it.
She commented that he doesn’t help her enough, but he thinks she’s wrong.
Read the full story below.
AITA for telling my wife she takes me for granted and to stop digging me out for “not doing enough”
Our son just turned 12 months.
And my wife returns to work tomorrow.
She’s had a year off of work.
This man works long hours.
We are very fortunate because I work for a blue chip company, and I make 6 figures.
But often, that means working away for 50- to 60-hour weeks.
He and his wife agreed she would only work 2 days to care for their new son.
So, we have agreed that she won’t return to work full-time, and we won’t put our son in nursery school.
Rather, she would only work 2 days per week, and she would help raise our son 5 days per week.
He didn’t like the way his wife gave him tasks to do.
I get really annoyed when my wife scoffs at me.
She does this after she tries to assign me a job to do.
She would do this via a disingenuous question.
For example, this afternoon, I asked if our son was due for a nap.
She replied, “Yes, do you want to walk him around the block?”
He started an argument.
I was pretty tired after catering at his birthday party yesterday, so I said, “Do you want to take him?”
An argument ensued.
It’s all about how I don’t do enough to help her with our son.
My main point is that she is our son’s “primary” caregiver.
He implied she doesn’t have much to do.
I also said, “You’ve not worked for 12 months. You aren’t returning to work full time.”
Additionally, we now pay her parents to clean our house.
It’s affordable due to my work.
He said he helped with his son and other chores.
For context, I like to cook, so I cook all our dinners.
As I said, cleaning is taken care of by somebody else.
I’ve always helped with our son.
I help with changing nappies, or feeding time, etc.
He didn’t know if he was doing enough.
Admittedly, she does much more than me, especially because she was breastfeeding.
But she quipped that my view on us parenting is like something from the “dark ages.”
Am I the jerk here?
It feels like a cake and eat it situation.
I’m not sure why he got upset about his wife suggesting that he take their baby for a walk.
Let’s read the reactions of other users to this story on Reddit.
This user shares their personal thoughts.
Here’s another honest opinion.
This person had another valid point.
This comment makes sense.
Step up, says this person.
Childcare is a full-time job and a team effort.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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