Woman Cleaned Her Boyfriend’s Mom’s Kitchen As An Act Of Kindness, But The Mom Didn’t Appreciate It And Instead Was Very Upset With Her
by Heide Lazaro

Some people don’t like others touching their kitchen.
This woman stayed over at her boyfriend’s mom’s house.
She decided to clean the kitchen to do something nice, but his mom didn’t think this was nice at all! In fact, she got very upset.
Read the full story below for all the details.
AITA My boyfriends mom is mad at me for cleaning her kitchen
My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year.
I have gotten comfortable with his mom.
Last night, I decided to clean the kitchen for her because I had to wait for the pizza to cook in the oven that my boyfriend had put in.
This woman washed and put the dishes away.
He had to go back upstairs to be on his game, so I watched for it to be ready.
We ate, and the pizza was finished, so I had washed and put away all of the dishes.
She then cleaned the kitchen until midnight.
After we ate, he decided to help me clean the rest of the kitchen which was just wiping down the counters.
It was about midnight when we finished.
I stayed the night.
She found out that his mom wanted her to leave.
This morning at 7:30 am, I got a call from my mom.
She said that my boyfriend’s mom had texted her.
His mom said she wanted me to go home.
She didn’t want me to clean.
Her boyfriend did not tell her, until the next morning.
I told my boyfriend about it.
He said that last night, before he came back down, she had asked him to tell me to go home.
He did not tell me about it until this morning.
His mom is very upset with me because I stayed and kept her up all night with our cleaning.
She felt bad.
I feel terrible about it.
In my mind, I was just doing something nice.
I didn’t realize that she would be so upset, but it was also my fault for being slightly noisy while doing the dishes.
She’s confused and wanted to apologize
Is it my fault?
Is it my boyfriend’s fault for not telling me she didn’t want me to clean?
He didn’t tell me she wanted me to go home. Is she just overreacting?
Overall, I’m asking how I should apologize to her, even if I’m not in the wrong.
Please help me.
It’s too bad that something she did to be nice was taken completely the wrong way!
Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This isn’t your house, says this person.
This user shares their personal thoughts.
While this person offers some helpful advice.
Here’s another honest opinion.
Lastly, this person thinks she’s too comfortable.
Sometimes, being nice backfires.
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