‘An ambulance crew comes through pushing an empty gurney.’ People Shared Stories About the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen at Hotels
by Justin Gardner
A ton of weird things go down at hotels.
Think about it: you have all kinds of strangers thrown together under one roof for one night at a time…anything is possible!
And today we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit about the weirdest things they’ve seen at hotels.
Let’s get wild!
Scary stuff.
“I was a night auditor at a Home2Suites several years back.
Our usual extended-stay clientele were traveling nurses, government contractors, or out of town veterans getting something done at the VA Hospital. But we had one guy and girl on the first floor for a few weeks that were… odd. It took us a bit to realize it was a hooker and her pimp.
Some john would come to see her, and the guy who rented the room would come out to hang in the lobby or go smoke at our fire pit. Our manager was a bit clueless and took longer to figure it out, but once she did, she went and knocked on the door to ask them to leave.
He only cracked the door so she couldn’t see inside the room (he’d declined housekeeping for two straight weeks), but she managed to see an office chair behind him that had two handguns and a huge Rambo knife on it, so she called the cops. I came up later that day to pick up my check to find cops had surrounded the building.
Turns out he barricaded himself in the room and held the pr**titute hostage, so SWAT had to come tear gas him through the window and use a battering ram to get inside. The owners fired our manager for that, for letting the s** work go on so long and the optics of cops swarming our hotel.”
Oh, hello!
“When I was young and worked at a hotel, I was delivering a room service meal and when I got there, the door was closed but had been left just shy of being latched.
I knocked and and the guest yelled “come in.” I pushed it open with the cart, walked in and he was standing there with a big grin on his face watching my reaction as I wheeled in the cart, naked with a woman, also naked, on her knees vigorously bl**ing him.
She never stopped or even did a sideways glance in my direction. He smiled and reached out and handed me a $20 he had in his hand and said to just leave it there and close the door on the way out.
I guess part of their k**k was to show off and see my reaction. I was shocked, but never said anything to anyone at work.”
The pimp.
“Worked at Hyatt in Toronto, management sent me up to a room they knew contained a pimp.
Big fur coat, grills, giant chains and of course his “employees”. They did not warn me of this beforehand, if they did I wouldn’t have gone alone.
His “employees” were both topless and apparently celebrating a birthday and tried very hard to get me to join. I just needed them to not get another noise complaint because I did not want to have to evict them.”
“The most NSFW thing that I recall was the manager getting on a cleaning kick and accidentally mixing the wrong chemicals in the pool area.
A toxic gas started to form and the whole hotel had to be evacuated at like 5 AM.”
Working security.
“I did security for a hotel for a number of years.
I’ve seen naked guests locked out of their rooms, wedding parties break into the pool area and jump in fully clothed. Had a d**nk woman climb out her 3rd floor window and chill on the roof just below.
Worst was when someone drown in the lake beside the hotel and they hadn found the body yet. Doing night rounds sucked because I was afraid I’d find the body.”
Do I know you?
“I’m checking into my hotel in Los Angeles and was given my keycard.
Head to the room, open the door, and there’s a naked buff dude standing next to the bed just staring at me. He says nothing. I apologize and quickly leave, assuming somehow I’d gotten the wrong room.
I go back to the front desk and say, “I’m sorry, but I think you gave me the wrong room. There’s a naked man already in there.”
The worker at the front desk says, “S**t, not again.” He pulls out his walkie talkie and says, “Security? He’s back again.”
They assigned me to a different room and I was on my way.”
Don’t see that every day.
“I work in the back of the house at a major Las Vegas resort.
When we first opened, management made every effort to conceal anything negative that might have occurred from the guests staying at the resort. One day on the receiving dock, an ambulance crew comes through pushing an empty gurney.
About 30 minutes they come back with a body completely under a sheet, someone had d**d. The NSFW moment was that this obvious man’s corpse was that he had a protruding hard on tenting the sheet.
It was rumored he d**d of a combined cocaine overdose while taking Viagra and he d**d in the act.”
Adult movie stars.
“Worked on a show in a Las Vegas casino.
During the AVNs (adult movie awards show), a top actress came to our show with her boyfriend. Show was held because she started lifting her shirt to show the audience her breasts.
Then she went down on the boyfriend, as security finally arrived they were having full on s** while sitting in the audience. He “went to get drinks”, ditching her. She bit a security guard in the arm so hard that she hit bone!
Eventually she was carried out and arrested, I’m sure the boyfriend was as well. Their awards show was the next day but she missed it to being in jail.
This was a Cirque du Soleil show, definitely not the place for this behavior.”
He might still be there…
“Eastern Idaho, night audit and front desk.
I heard a guy yelling from the (closed) indoor pool at around 4 am. He’d stuck his Johnson in a drain hole on the side of the pool, and it got stuck. I assessed he wasn’t in immediate danger and called the fire department.
He wasn’t free when I left at 6.”
What a story!
“I used to work 3rd shift at a hotel while going to university. One weekend every summer our city hosted a tournament for the National Softball Association for the Deaf.
One night I got multiple noise complaints and went upstairs. In one of the rooms, a man and woman were having the loudest, most bestial s** you could possibly imagine, you could hear it from 30m down the hall. They weren’t answering the phone and obviously couldn’t hear me knocking.
I used a master key to crack open the door and was even more amazed at the pure volume and completely atonal and unabashed moans, grunts, and yowls. Being careful not to stick my head in, I reached inside the room and flipped the lights on and off, then pretty much ran away.
It’s a shame people complained because I hated to interrupt what must have been a good time.”
Okay, never staying at a hotel anymore.
Strictly motels only. Those are much less creepy.

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