July 16, 2024 at 11:48 pm

Husband Pranked His Wife And Had Their New Car Altered So She Couldn’t Change The Seat, So She Returned The Favor With An Even Bigger Modification

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@andrazlazic

The couple you’re going to read about in this story from Reddit is…unusual…

And you’ll see what I mean in just a minute!

Are you ready for a tale of rivalry and sabotage?

Read on and see what happened!

Just a little height difference.

“The characters: Mom, Dad, Uncle Ernie.

The story:

I can remember this event clearly. The family laughed about this for years.

The year was 1985. Dad just brought home a brand new car. A 1985 Caprice Classic. Mom and Dad picked it out together weeks ago and he just picked it up from the dealership.

We went for a drive so they could show off the new car to us kids and some close friends who were excited for my parents.

Dad had an old 1/2 ton he drove to work and back so the car was left with Mom most days. Some days she drove it but others she didn’t need to go anywhere so it sat in the driveway.

Now here I will mention there is a huge height difference between Mom and Dad. Dad was roughly 198.12cm (6’5″) and Mom was roughly 157.48cm (5’2″). Needless to say the driver’s seat needed to be moved for each of them.

Dad decided to have some fun.

Dad got petty one day and pulled one of his little pranks on Mom. He took the car to work one day, which was not unusual if he didn’t feel like driving his truck. While he had it at work he welded the driver’s seat where he feels comfortable and never said a thing to Mom.

Probably 2 or 3 days later Mom had to go to a doctor appointment or something like it. When she got in the car she tried adjusting the seat. But it never budged.

She came in the house and asked me to go look to see if I can figure out what was wrong. As soon as I looked at the track where the seat should slide I see the weld. I pointed it out to Mom.

When Mom got mad she always looked like she just ate 30 lemons and she gets quiet. When she went quiet when I was a kid I knew it was about to go down.

She went into her bedroom and grabbed pillows to put behind her so she reach the peddles. By the time she got to the appointment she had the most sour look on her face.

Oh, boy…

We left the appointment and I thought we would be heading home but we started in a different direction.

I didn’t dare ask where. I just sat back for the ride and shut my mouth.

After a few km I realized we were heading to Uncle Ernie’s place. This is where we brought Dad’s work truck to get fixed and Mom’s Uncle.

Mom got out of the car and showed Uncle Ernie where Dad welded the seat all the way back. He kind of giggled and asked what she wanted him to do about it.

Mom told him to cut off the gas and brake pedals and weld something on them so her feet can reach the pedals with the seat all the way back. After some time, measurements and welding, it was done and we went home.

Here it comes!

It wasn’t until the next night when Dad was heading to the legion like he did most nights. Within a minute he came bursting through the door ripping about the pedals.

Mom just looked at him with a look of amusement which made him angrier. He asked her where she got the idea to mess around with the brand new car.

Again with the same look as before she answered, ” If you didn’t weld the seat to your position but I drive the car more and can’t reach the pedals what am I supposed to do? Now if you want to take your truck tonight you can take the car tomorrow and remove the welding from the seat first so it moves right then you can take the extensions off the pedals. ”

That is exactly what he did too.

Do you think he would learn his lesson? Not my Dad.

He always said, ” I am NOT stubborn and I will fight to the death to prove it. “”

And here’s what people had to say on Reddit.

This reader was a fan of this story.

Source: Reddit

Another person spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another Reddit user was confused…

Source: Reddit

This reader shared a story.

Source: Reddit

And this person didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit

These two seem made for each other.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.