September 4, 2024 at 4:49 pm

He Wasn’t Going To Tolerate Anyone Bullying His Friend, So He Took Matters Into His Own Hands And Gave Them Soapy Consequences

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I love it when kids stick up for other kids who are bullied.

Because those little creeps need to be put in their places, right?

Darn right!

That’s why we think you’ll enjoy this story from Reddit.

Check out what went down!

I made my roommate sleep on a bed full of shampoo because he and his friend poured a little bit on my friend’s bed.

“2 years ago, I spent a year abroad in a boarding school at England. It was quite an enjoyable experience, except for one small detail.

Some of my schoolmates were absolutes jerks which just enjoyed making people suffer for the sake of it.

One of them was my roommate, and although he did not try anger me directly, he did to one of my friends.

They were bullies.

This guy was from Hong Kong, therefore his English level was not great, that mixed with the fact that he was a bit weak and skinny, made him the ideal target for these kind of people.

Once, they took someone’s shampoo and poured a little bit over his bed to make the rest of the boarding house think it was ***.

It did not work, but the fact that there was an attempt to make him go through that was enough to make us both create a revenge.

See, both the bully and I went to drama lessons, and some days after the incident the teacher told us that we had a trip to London to watch The Lion King as part of our drama course.

We had also been informed that we would be arriving pretty late (3 AM minimum).

Take that!

I saved the date and just after we left for the trip I said “I needs to go to the bathroom.”

I went to his room, took his shampoo and poured it all over his bed and his sheets and his pillows, I left the whole room as messy as I could and left.

The next day he had all his pyjamas plus uniform filled with shampoo. The head of house opened “an investigation” to see who was responsible.

But I guess he was not very good at it because the first meeting he made started by telling me that I did not need to be there as he certainly knew it was not me.

Who could have done it…?

This was supported on the fact that I was “supposedly” at London and that I was one of the best students of the school (I ended up having the most school merits by quite a margin).

Anyway, the day I left the school to go back to Spain, I opened my phone to write a message on the house group chat.

I said “Remember the shampoo incident?”

Someone answered “Yes, Why?”

“I was the one who did it”.”

Check out what folks had to say.

This reader was impressed.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Reddit user had a story to tell.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This individual was impressed.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I love it when bullies get what’s coming to them!

We all do…except for the bullies I guess.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.