September 5, 2024 at 7:28 am

Noisy Dogs Push Neighbor To Unleash His Loudest Tools As Sound Revenge

by Laura Ornella

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge/Pexels/Tolga Ahmetler

Noisy neighbors are one thing, but what about their pets? Surely, nobody wants to deal with endless barking.

See what happens when one neighbor gets pushed to the brink and decides to bring a few choice tools into the mix.

The details are below!

Dogs won’t stop barking, meet my leaf blower.

So, the neighbor behind me has three dogs.

For three years I’ve been listening to them bark, driving me nuts in the summer.

Now I get that dogs bark and play, blah blah. I’m talking about at night constant barking here.

Ugh, I’d never want to go outside!

Each fall, he sets up a big screen for a couples’ night, and they all have their own little bonfire kettle and snuggle under blankets and watch a movie.

I think it’s nice.

The movie is usually loud, but it’s once a year, and they are always done by 10:30. No big deal.

That’s fairly reasonable. It’s also nice that the dogs aren’t barking!

On this particular night, they are all cuddled up watching away, I’m in my basement and can hear the dogs barking OVER the movie. I started fuming again.

****** off, I walked outside, went to the fence screaming at him, asking if he can hear his damn dogs over the movie.

I stayed away from the fence cause this guy is huge and no doubt could kick my ***.

Ok, smart game plan, honestly… Ya gotta know when you’re playing with fire!

He dared me to come to the fence line and say it to his face, needless to say words were exchanged.

I had just gotten done cleaning up my yard that day, so I grabbed my leaf blower and a roll of tape, started that baby up, taped the trigger down and went back inside.

Five minutes later, there’s a knock at the door.

It’s the cops; he called the cops on me.

They wanted to ticket me for making nuisance noise, if I wouldn’t shut it off.

Wow, this cute movie night escalated quickly!

I told them it’s a tool and that I had til 10 p.m. to run it. While explaining the situation to them, the blower ran out of gas, and they said they were glad the situation was over.

But not for me, I was really pissed.

The way this man knew his noise rights! What’s next, though?

When I went back to get the blower, I grabbed my chainsaw and the tape. He saw me and was equally pissed, as I ruined the movie for, like, four couples and him.

More words were exchanged, much more harsh than before, but I didn’t care.

The chainsaw gas needed to be emptied for the winter. I can only imagine his thoughts when he heard the first couple pulls on the saw.

WOW. This may be the pettiest revenge yet!

This was a couple years ago. I haven’t spoken with him, or heard his dogs bark at night either.

Was this an overreaction?

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this!

One user thought the chainsaw meant things were taking a turn for the worse.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Redditor added there should be no guilt about calling the police in the future.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

A commenter with five dogs weighed in about how a neighbor should act.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

And finally, a reader chimed in that a goalie mask would’ve completed the ensemble.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

While the noise ante was raised, this subreddit is called “Petty Revenge” for a reason.

This story is about being a respectful neighbor by showing definitely how not to be one.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.