September 8, 2024 at 7:26 pm

Entitled Vegan Friend Expects His Friend Group To Pay For The Vegan Pizza Only He Wanted, But One Guy Puts His Foot Down

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

Ordering food as a group is never easy. You have to take in to account everyone’s dislikes and likes, what they had last night, and what they’re in the mood for tonight.

And that’s assuming none of your friends have a food allergy, or are on a vegan or vegetarian diet!

So when this user’s friend invited them over and ordered vegan pizza for the group without asking, they were shocked when he expected them to pay for it!

Check it out!

AITA Refusing to Pay for group Pizza

I (26M) met up with some friends (26/25M) at Host’s (24M) home.

When we arrived, we found that Host had ordered us all pizza, there were four in total.

They were all vegan pizzas, which isn’t strange because Host is vegan, none of us minded that much but we would have ordered something else if given the choice (we aren’t vegan).

Despite the fact that they didn’t particularly want the pizza, the host was prepared to make them pay for it!

At the end of the night, Host asked us to pay for the pizzas and he said he didn’t have any because he wasn’t hungry and insisted that we split it without him.

I thought it was a bit weird, but at the time we all agreed and left.

However, at the drive home we all agreed that this was messed up and decided we aren’t going to pay because we didn’t order, didn’t enjoy it, and to be honest wasn’t even that hungry.

Unsurprisingly OP didn’t exactly see things the same way…

There was no discussion beforehand on ordering food, Host totally pulled this on us out of nowhere.

When we told Host this, he called us all jerks and now won’t talk to me.

The others don’t think this is worth losing a friend over but I’m honestly kind of sick of this guy. He pulls this kind of thing all the time.

I’m with OP. If you want me to pay for the food, I should at least get a say in what we’re ordering. And its especially frustrating if this guy makes them pay for these things all the time.

Reddit assured OP that he wasn’t in the wrong for not wanting to pay for food he didn’t even order.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another user said the host didn’t sound like the type of person who he would want to hang out with anyway.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Many pointed out that vegan pizza was barely even pizza in the first place!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user said it sounded like the host just wanted some free pizza from his friends!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Pay for the food that you and only you wanted? Of course, what are friends for!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.