October 11, 2024 at 8:49 am

Boyfriend Makes 5 Times What His Girlfriend Does, But He Still Wants To Split Costs Evenly And Charge Her Rent To Live In His House

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Many times couples decide to live together because it’s less expensive to split the bills.

In today’s story, one man is conflicted about splitting the bills with his girlfriend because he makes a lot more than she does.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA for splitting everything equally with live-in girlfriend?

I (M28) am in a very happy relationship with my girlfriend (F24) other than some personal money concerns that I have.

First, I will note that there is a large financial difference between me and my SO – I currently make about 370k, and due to a successful IPO I have a net worth of ~2.5m.

On the other hand, my SO makes about 70k and has a fair amount of student debt.

My SO is roughly aware of how much I make and likely roughly aware of my net worth (knows about the IPO) although I haven’t revealed any specific details.

OP explains how the bills are split.

Given that we are not married, I felt that it was fair to ask to split all expenses equally when we discussed moving in together, as we are still separate people and incomes should not really be considered.

Before moving in together, we’d also split things mostly equally (although I’d say it’s more like 65/35 if you do the actual math). This means that we currently split all bills, food, groceries, home maintenance, travel, entertainment, meals, etc down the line.

For special events/occasions I definitely treat and splurge on her.

His girlfriend pays him rent.

We also have an agreement in which she pays “rent” to me even though I own the home we live in. This is because I still have a mortgage to pay, and she’s getting roughly a 40% discount compared to the rental market.

In general, I do believe that folks should contribute a payment to the place they live, regardless of if they live with a roommate or SO.

If she wasn’t living with me, I’d likely rent out a spare room, which we are not doing currently per her request.

OP isn’t sure if he should continue charging his girlfriend rent.

Initially my SO did not object to this and went along with my idea, and for several months everything was fine.

Recently I’ve been feeling that she might have issues with this based on some things she’s said and some behavior, and to be honest, I always felt sort of guilty even though I personally think that this is right.

I can more than afford to let her live without paying anything and probably cover 70-80% of our joint expenses without noticing a financial hit at all.

As a result, we’ve sort of been avoiding the topic.

OP explains why he thinks splitting bills is important.

My reasoning for being quite pedantic about splitting things evenly is because I don’t believe financial support should be a part of a relationship (especially one that might not end in marriage), and I’m wary of being “used” financially and being left later on.

What do you all think, AITA or in the right here?

I understand OP’s point of view, but it sure would be nice for his girlfriend not have to pay rent considering he doesn’t actually need the rent payment.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader doesn’t think the girlfriend should’ve ever agreed to split the bills.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person points out what “a loving boyfriend” would do.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader doesn’t think they’re splitting the bills correctly.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks OP shouldn’t charge his girlfriend rent.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person points out the problems with finances in relationships.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The thing that really got me? He owns the house.

Greed doesn’t look good on anybody, fam!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.