October 16, 2024 at 4:45 am

His Cousin Went After His Mom, So When He Found Out He Was Also Doing The Same His Kids, He Got The State Involved

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/Teona Swift

Some people are just bad humans, but when those people are family, it can make it harder to stand up and put them in their place.

When this guy’s cousin hurt his mom, though, he knew he had to do something about it.

It turned out he was a terrible dad, too, so he figured his kids would be better off without him.

Check out the details!

Mess with My Mom? Let’s Get Cold

I have a cousin.

He is one of the most terrible people I have ever known, selfish, dishonest, bad temper you name it.

This cousin was the meanest man!

Some years ago, my cousin was manipulating my aging grandmother and mooching off of her.

He had her convinced that he was her son and his kids were her grandkids.

My grandmother was starting to suffer from dementia at the time but was still able to take care of herself.

My Mother figured out what he was doing and was having none of it.

My Mother attempted to confront him about it one day at my grandmother’s house when he was dropping off his three kids for free childcare so he could go do whatever he wanted.

He crossed his limits this time.

He started shouting at my Mother and threatening her in the driveway.

My Mom’s dog didn’t like this and started barking at him.

He started screaming at my Mom to get her ‘vicious’ dog away from his children, that if her dog bit them he’d sue her etc etc.

My Mom turned to grab her dog’s collar and put the dog back in the truck, but…

He took it too far!

While My Mom (who is disabled and in her late 50’s at the time) had her back turned and he sucker punched her as hard as he could, knocking her down and breaking her collar bone!

Mom knew she was hurt, came up off the ground and told him she’d call the cops and press charges on him.

My grandmother (who you must remember was not exactly in her right mind anymore but hadn’t been diagnosed yet) then screamed at my mother not to cause drama and if she pressed charges on my cousin that my grandmother would ‘disown’ her!

Mom got an injury because of him…

My Mom went to the doctor, confirmed the broken collar bone.

The Dr. was smart, told her that if a person had done this to her she could press abuse or assault charges.

My Mom didn’t want to make a fuss.

That’s when I took over. Fine. If he was going to play dirty, I’d play dirty too.

I knew that my cousin had been completely wrecking the house he was living in. He was often late with rent and the place was falling apart.

He had three kids full time and a kid from his first marriage who was there on weekends.

I knew that the smaller kids often went to school dirty and in ripped clothes and were constantly sick.

The kids were in a bad state…

(the sick children often got my grandmother sick too) With this knowledge in mind, I called CPS.

I’m pretty good at imitating different accents.

I knew the call would be recorded so I disguised my voice and reported that I was scared for those poor children.

That I’d seen how dirty they were, how his house was overrun with pets and I had heard him screaming at the children and was worried that he was being abusive to them.

He wasn’t bluffing about the situation!

Turns out,..I was more right than I knew!

Also, apparently, his actual neighbors had been calling CPS about him too. My call tipped the scales.

The NEXT DAY, CPS agents rolled up early in the morning for a surprise inspection!

The younger kids were in dirty beds with no proper blankets, there were holes in the floor, bare electrical outlets, cats and cat feces EVERYWHERE!

Trash and debris everywhere!

The authorities were shocked!

Apparently it was so disgusting in there that CPS took the kids out to their van and gave him 30 minutes to contact a relative who could safely house them.

My aunt came and took the kids to her house.

My cousin was given an order, 30 days to get the house in proper shape.

Clean and safe for children, their needs must be visibly met etc or his children would be taken away and placed in foster care.

He wanted his kids back.

He was FURIOUS! His wife was FURIOUS! They barely managed to get the place fixed in time.

I heard about him complaining about some “out of state nosy AH called child services on me, I ever find out who that was..” blah blah

I just sat back and laughed! That’s what you get for messing with my Mom, boy!

His name was red-flagged for the next several years and the slightest complaint was investigated immediately.

His wife (mother of the three who were nearly taken) started hounding him constantly about keeping the house clean because SHE was the one working to support them.

He made things worse for himself.

His temper just got worse and at one point he assaulted his eldest child!

His ex-wife pressed charges of child abuse and he got put in jail for a few days. (my dementia ridden grandmother bailed him out)

This got him red-flagged even more and the police made him surrender all his hunting rifles and handguns!

Any time after that, when my grandmother would get sick from some badness his kids gave her, I had fun picking up the phone.

Because of the red-flags, prior arrest for assault and etc, Child Services stayed on him on a monthly basis!

The wife finally saw the issue and left.

His wife eventually got so tired of CPS constantly coming around trying to take her kids away that she LEFT HIM and took the kids with her to a different town!

When my grandmother passed away, Cousin dear started some drama with my Mom again.

He threatened her, locked her out of my grandmother’s house (which she had inherited in the will) so he could hold it over her head and try to get her to give him more money.

Turns out his temper had gotten him in trouble and he’d had his right to bear arms taken away.

He inherited some guns from my grandparents in the wills,..oops…guess how the cops found out he had guns in his possession?

He made sure to not let the evil cousin win!

Yep. That was me, again.

I’ve also gotten him kicked out of facebook trading groups, signed him up for newsletters and generally any other petty thing I could think of.

My Mom now has a restraining order against him and we haven’t seen him in over a year.

Last I heard though, his middle child had run away from home, his second ex-wife has moved with the two youngest back to her home state and he’s got nothing since he blew through his inheritance money in less than a year.

Just writing this makes me smile all over again. I reeeaallly don’t like him.

How bad can someone be to hit an elderly woman like that? And assault their own child!

Find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This user wishes the guy and his mom peace!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user isn’t sure who suffered from the revenge.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user has something poetical to say.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

If only the kids were safe, things wouldn’t have gone this far!

He was unknowingly the kids’ guardian angel.

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