October 19, 2024 at 11:49 am

Her Parents Want Her To Spend Christmas With Them, But She Wants To Go To France With Her Fiancé’s Family Instead

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Brett Sayles

Deciding who to spend the holidays with can be a big deal once you’re in a serious romantic relationship.

In today’s story, an engaged woman wants to spend Christmas with her fiancé’s family, but her parents want her to spend Christmas with them.

Let’s see what happened when she broke the news.

AITA for telling my parents I am spending my last Christmas as an ‘unmarried woman’ with my fiancé’s family instead?

Me (F28) and my fiancé (M29) are getting married in February.

He usually spends Christmas skiing with his family in France, and I’ve been going with him 2 out of every 3 years since we got together.

Otherwise, I either spend Christmas with my parents alone or he stays and celebrates with me and my family (I am an only child).

My parents don’t spend Christmas with other family because they all live in another country.

Her parents want her to spend Christmas with them this year.

Last year, I spent Christmas with my fiancé’s family.

When I told my parents I wasn’t going to be home for Christmas this year either, my mother was devastated and said she wanted me home for my last Christmas as an unmarried woman.

She thought it was appropriate for me and my fiancé to spend it apart before our wedding in Feb.

My parents are very traditional and view my marriage as ‘giving me away’ and don’t expect me to go home very often after I get married.

We are also considering a move to France next year.

She has two reasons she wants to go to France over Christmas.

The reason for me not wanting to go home is two-fold.

1) My parents do not let my fiancé stay overnight in their house, even in a guest bedroom.

While we live close to my parents’ house, it feels hostile to kick him out after dinner on Christmas Day (they want me to stay the night at home with them).

2) I will be finishing my exams for my law degree in December and want to take a nice break away from the country.

She shares reasons to stay with her parents.

I do see my parents’ point of view too.

I am an only child.

I am always busy so never go home anyway.

My parents marriage is crumbling and apparently I am the only person keeping it together and we also have 2 very old cats I am incredibly close with that likely won’t last longer past Christmas.

It would be nice to spend one last Christmas with them.

However, my parents are very controlling, make up so many rules for the house every time we meet them, and they aren’t particularly fun to hang out with.

She shares more reasons she wants to go to France.

On the other hand, my fiancé’s family are extremely welcoming.

He has many siblings so Christmas is always so warm and fuzzy with lots of children and music, and his father is also a lawyer so we have a lot to talk about.

I also love to ski and think it would be a nice way to cool off after my law degree.

I can’t spend Christmas here and travel to France for New Year’s because the schedules don’t add up and the travel time will be too long.

My fiancé will need to be back for work on the 2nd of January.

AITA for telling my parents I wish to spend my last Christmas as a legally ‘single woman’ away from my family?

It sounds like France would be a lot of fun, but staying with the parents would be mainly due to obligation.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader thinks she should go to France.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader agrees that she shouldn’t spend Christmas with her parents.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person would just see the cats after Christmas.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader tells says her parents’ marriage isn’t her responsibility.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I think she should go to France.

She can see her parents after Christmas.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.