Giant Pyramid of Captured German Helmets from WWI Grand Central Terminal, New York, 1918 Photograph by New York Central Railroad Pyramid of German helmets near Grand Central Terminal: black-and-white photoprint, ca. 1918: View of the employees of the New York Central Railroad, assembled in Victory Way, showing the pyramid of captured German…
A recent post on MetaFilter (that was subsequently picked up by PetaPixel), shows a handful of uncropped versions of iconic images from the last century. From politics and war to sports and music, this small collection of images are a fascinating look back in history. Many thanks to Bora Horza Gobuchul on Metafiler and…
In this chilling WMD retrospective by photographer Martin Miller, we are confronted with beautifully shot images of menacing doomsday devices. These haunting black and white photographs will stir the emotions of many, as the incredible composition and tones contrast the stark reality of the subject matter. In Martin’s own words: Although the term, WMD,…
Last month, Reddit user VampireElf started an amazing thread asking users to submit their favourite little known Easter Eggs on websites around the globe. Some 4406 comments later, and a treasure trove of Internet nuggets were left for others to discover. Below you will find a list of 10 glorious easter eggs that pleased…
In 1907, German apothecary Julius Neubronner invented an aerial photography technique known as pigeon photography. By affixing a lightweight time-delayed miniature camera to an aluminium breast harness, Neubronner attached his design to homing pigeons who would then be able to capture aerial photographs during their flight. Below you will find a brief history…
Photograph by yatpay on Reddit On May 25th, 2012, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) made history when its Dragon spacecraft became the first commercial vehicle in history to successfully attach to the International Space Station. Previously only four governments – the United States, Russia, Japan and the European Space Agency – had achieved this…
Photograph by The Gateway Photography The largest game of dodgeball was played by 4,979 participants and was organized by the University of Alberta at the Universiade Pavillion (Butterdome), in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on 3 February 2012. The University of Alberta has successfully achieved this record on three separate occasions with the yellow team…
Below you will find a glorious collection of epic group photos that I’ve seen floating around the Web for the past few years. From legendary casts and crews to extraordinary sports teams, musical supergroups, great thinkers and world leaders. I hope you will enjoy this incredible selection of photos and people and the backstory…
A tripoint, trijunction, or triple point (also, if inexactly, known as a tri-border area), is a geographical point at which the borders of three countries or subnational entities meet. There are currently 157 international tripoints (i.e., tricountry points) by some accounts, and as many as 176 (or even 207) by others. Nearly half of…
PROTESTING IN STYLE Photograph via Reddit On April 23, 2012 a protest was organized by long-time Gentleman’s journal The Chap. In fact, several hundred chaps descended on the famed Savile Row in London to protest the opening of a store by mega-retailer Abercrombie & Fitch. For the uninitiated, Savile row has been…