Photograph by For Hollywood’s elite, not any trailer will do. When a mobile home is not enough, an estate is required. Since 1987, that service has been provided by Anderson Mobile Estates, the industry leader and mobile outfitter to the stars. Anderson’s most recent client is social-media darling and new face of the…
THE WORLD’S LARGEST LAN PARTY Photograph by PETRI HANNINEN BLOMBERG Photograph by PETRI HANNINEN BLOMBERG Photograph by JIMMY SJUNFORS DreamHack is a LAN party, a local area network gathering with demo competitions, gaming competitions and more. It’s arranged twice annually at the Elmia exhibition centre in Jönköping, Sweden and also twice a…
SIMON SAYS Photograph by DEEMWUN Photographer’s Description: The LSO (Landing Safety Officer) tells the landing CH-53 helicopter pilot to hover by spreading his arms horizontally. He can then direct the helo into position befor telling it to set down by lowering his arms. LSO = Marine Corps Gunnery-Sergeant Cassanova Helicopter = German…
Caterpillar 30x Magnification (5mm width) | Photograph by OLIVER MECKES Electron microscopes help bring nanoscience to life, providing a level of detail to scientists that was simply not available mere decades ago. The FEI Company is a worldwide leader in electron microscope technology. Below you will find a small collection of images from scientists…
Photograph by Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III/USAF Northrop Grumman’s B-2 Spirit, more affectionately known as the Stealth Bomber, is one sexy, sneaky and sophisticated piece of technology. More an alien spaceship than US Aircraft, the Stealth Bomber’s iconic design is instantly recognizable… unless of course it’s on a stealth mission. Below are ten things…
KA-BOOM! Photograph by PHAN J. ALAN ELLIOTT (US NAVY) The USS Iowa (BB-61) fires a full broadside of her nine 16″/50 and six 5″/38 guns during a target exercise near Vieques Island, Puerto Rico (21°N 65°W). Note concussion effects on the water surface, and 16-inch gun barrels in varying degrees of recoil.…
BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE Photograph by CAPT. JOHN PELTIER USAF Lt. Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe patrol the airspace in an F-15E Strike Eagle as the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches May 14, 2010, at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Colonel Green is the 333rd Fighter Squadron commander and Captain Bartoe…
ENDEAVOUR’S FINAL LIFTOFF Photograph by NASA/Jim Grossmann NASA’s space shuttle Endeavour completed its final mission this morning, touching down safely in Florida. Endeavour spent a total of 299 days in space, traveling more than 122.8 million miles during its 25 flights. Its first launch took place on May 7, 1992 — its…
In the battle for high-speed helicopter supremacy, two industry heavyweights SIKORSKY and EUROPCOPTER are pushing the limits with dramatically different approaches. Sikorsky’s X2 employs a par of counter-rotating main rotors and a pusher prop, while Eurocopter’s aptly-named ‘X3’ uses a hybrid design of turbine engines and forward-facing propellers mounted on small wings. Why the…
THE GORDON DAM, AUSTRALIA Photograph by Noodle Snacks The Gordon Dam (also known as Gordon River Dam), is a double curvature arch dam on the Gordon River in Tasmania, Australia. The dam has a length of 192 m (630 ft), and a height of 140 m (459 ft), making it the tallest…