Silverback Gorilla Brings Traffic to Standstill to Let Family Cross [Must Watch]
When a silverback wants to cross the road, you let it cross the road
When a silverback wants to cross the road, you let it cross the road
No music, no effects, just 100 raw seconds of pure badassery
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting
Johnny Clasper is an award-winning stonemason and sculptor based in Yorkshire, England
There’s no tipping in Japan, so some people leave chopstick sleeve sculptures instead
What happens when you pit a 9,000 lb wrecking ball against an assortment of vehicles? Destruction.
This is the song you’re looking for (if you’re a Star Wars fan)
This will give you a greater appreciation for their craft
Moriyuki Kono carves amazing things out of wood
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