This is NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s First Image from Mars

The first image NASA’s Perseverance rover sent back after touching down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021
The first image NASA’s Perseverance rover sent back after touching down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021
A 4K boat trip from Rotterdam to Amsterdam
The Nossa Senhora da Graça (La Lippe) is an 18th century fort and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Designed by Mold Architects on Serifos Island, Greece
It not only worked, but the build was awesome! The “Icycycle” by Q
This is what the Internet was made for
At 15 years old and 90 years old, with some 50,000 artworks in between
Sometimes forgetfulness pays off! In this circumstance, reddit user nieman23 neglected to take down his Christmas lights. When the next winter storm rolled through, the hanging icicles on his porch were beautifully illuminated by his Christmas lights. Just a small and random moment of joy that hopefully puts a smile on your face 🙂…
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