A Laptop Without A Screen? This New Technology Promises Limitless “Spatial Computing”.

This laptop of the future might still be a bit ahead of its time.
This laptop of the future might still be a bit ahead of its time.
A fun, new element for climbing walls that are short on height
“Strange Beasts” is an augmented reality game. It allows you to create and grow your own virtual pet. How far can it go?
This is insane
The secretive tech company has raised a staggering $1.4 billion in funding, valuing the startup at $4.5 billion
This is going to change everything
For the first time ever, Microsoft HoloLens seamlessly blends high-definition holograms with your real world. Microsoft believes holograms will improve the way you do things every day, and enable you to do things you’ve never done before. You can learn all about the new HoloLens at the official site here.
Photograph by SandyStation Using a Microsoft Kinect 3D camera, a data projector and simulation and visualization software (for lava and water flow), researchers have developed a futuristic sandbox that lets you build erupting volcanoes and flowing rivers in an augmented reality environment. Researchers in the Czech Republic developed a version they call SandyStation, while…
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