THE MASKED OWL Photograph by benjamin444 | CC BY-SA 3.0 The Australian Masked Owl (Tyto novaehollandiae) is a barn owl of Southern New Guinea and the non-desert areas of Australia. Masked Owls show strong reverse sexual dimorphism (obvious differences between male and female). A male Masked Owl’s weight ranges from 420-800g, while…
THE BELTED KINGFISHER Photograph by HAROLD BEGUN In this stunning capture by Harold Begun, we see the beautiful Belted Kingfisher perched on a branch. The Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is a large, conspicuous water kingfisher, the only member of that group commonly found in the northern United States and Canada. It is…
FIRST FLIGHT Photograph by In this momentous occasion, we see two baby common goldeneye ducks leaving the nest and taking to the air for their first ever flight. The expressions on their face are priceless! What an amazing event to witness 🙂 The Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) is a medium-sized sea…
Waxwings are a family (Bombycillidae) of passerine birds characterized by their soft, silky plummage. Some of the wing feathers have unique red tips where the shafts extend beyond the barbs; in the Bohemian and Cedar Waxwings, these tips look like sealing wax, and give the group its common name. There are three species of…
COOLEST. DUCK. EVER. Photograph via ubomw on Reddit Why fly when you can surf? This is without doubt, the coolest duck in the history of our planet. It was uploaded to Reddit earlier this week by ubomw and has since spawned an epic photoshop battle. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to verify…
Sociable Weavers (Philetairus socius) are a species of bird endemic to Southern Africa. They are best known for their gigantic communal nests, which are not only a rarity, but also the largest built by any bird. The nests, designed for year-round usage, can house up to 100 families, totaling 300-400 birds. Some nests have…
THE GOLDEN EAGLE Photograph for Peter Cairns/ The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the best known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. The species is fairly ubiquitous, being present in Eurasia, North America, and parts of Africa. Golden Eagles use their agility and speed combined with extremely powerful talons…
Gannets are large sea birds that can be found in the North Atlantic as well as the coastal seas of Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The birds fish by diving from a height into the sea and pursuing their prey underwater. The technique, known as plunge diving, allows birds to use the energy…
FEASTING VULTURES Photograph by Morkel Erasmus | Prints available In this startling black and white scene we see a group of White-backed Vultures feasting on an elephant that had died of natural causes. Wildlife photographer Morkel Erasmus took this shot in the remote far north of Kruger National Park in South Africa.…
OWL GET YOU Photograph via The Government of Quebec In this incredible capture we see a Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) about to pounce on its prey. The yellow-eyed, black-beaked, white bird is 52–71 centimetres (20–28 in) long, with a 125–150 centimetres (49–59 in) wingspan. These birds can weigh anywhere from 1.6 to…