Using eye surgery scissors, forceps and a magnifying glass; artist Chris Maynard turns moulted feathers into works of art. For Chris, feathers are one of nature’s great achievements. Not only do they make flight possible, they also insulate and come in a wide variety of beautiful colors and patterns that help birds hide or…
When Edouard Martinet was 10, one of his teachers introduced his pupils to insects. Subliminally, the fascination sunk in to the young French boy. Fast-forward 40 years, and Martinet has become the art world’s virtuoso insectophile, transforming bits and pieces of cast-off junk culled from flea markets and car boot sales into exquisitely executed…
ONE CLASSY BIRD Photograph by Olaf Oliviero Riemer This bird was made for Movember! If that’s not a classy mustache, I don’t know what is. The Inca Tern (Larosterna inca) is a seabird in the family Sternidae. It is the only member of the genus Larosterna. This uniquely plumaged bird breeds on…
PERFECTLY TIMED DOGBIRD Photograph by Megan Whiteley In this perfectly timed photograph of a dog and bird by Megan Whiteley, we see what looks to be a flying dog at the beach. Posted yesterday to reddit by LostInTheJapan, the image quickly reached the front page and has already been viewed over 650,000…
OWL EYES Photograph by Tony Hisgett Seen here is an intense close up of an Indian Eagle-Owl’s eyes. The Indian Eagle-Owl, also called the Rock Eagle-Owl or Bengal Eagle-Owl (Bubo bengalensis) is a species of large horned owl found in the Indian Subcontinent. The species is often considered a subspecies of the…
THE CITY IS MINE Photograph by ZeroOne on Flickr In this fantastic capture by ZeroOne, we see a pigeon atop the Empire State Building, overlooking New York City below. Perhaps the pigeon is on the lookout for its next meal, or simply contemplating who will feel his wrath as he relieves himself…
URBAN RAPTOR Photograph by Jes (mugley on Flickr) In this awesome photo by Jes (mugley on Flickr) we see a Nankeen Kestrel (Falco cenchroides) perched on a railing in Melbourne, Australia. The Australian Kestrel or Nankeen Kestrel is one of the smallest falcons, and unlike many, does not rely on speed to…
THE MASKED OWL Photograph by benjamin444 | CC BY-SA 3.0 The Australian Masked Owl (Tyto novaehollandiae) is a barn owl of Southern New Guinea and the non-desert areas of Australia. Masked Owls show strong reverse sexual dimorphism (obvious differences between male and female). A male Masked Owl’s weight ranges from 420-800g, while…
THE BELTED KINGFISHER Photograph by HAROLD BEGUN In this stunning capture by Harold Begun, we see the beautiful Belted Kingfisher perched on a branch. The Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is a large, conspicuous water kingfisher, the only member of that group commonly found in the northern United States and Canada. It is…
FIRST FLIGHT Photograph by In this momentous occasion, we see two baby common goldeneye ducks leaving the nest and taking to the air for their first ever flight. The expressions on their face are priceless! What an amazing event to witness 🙂 The Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) is a medium-sized sea…