Robot Dogs Can Now Talk Because Scientists Have Put ChatGPT In Them
“Our work is just the start of a shift in how we develop robotics systems.”
“Our work is just the start of a shift in how we develop robotics systems.”
Next stop, Robot Olympics
Great, now they can even dance better than us
Great, now they can even dance better than us
Now that Spot has an arm in addition to legs and cameras, it can do mobile manipulation
Boston Dynamics got the whole squad together for this one
Boston Dynamics’ robot ‘Spot’ never ceases to amaze.. and slightly terrify
I, for one, welcome our new agile overlords
Watch 10 Spot Robots from Boston Dynamics haul a truck (~1 degree uphill, truck in neutral)
The control software uses the whole body including legs, arms and torso, to marshal the energy and strength for jumping over the log and leaping up the steps without breaking its pace
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