Author of ‘Code Girls’ Retells Stories of Secret WWII Spies
Liza Mundy, author of “Code Girls” discusses the fascinating stories of the thousands of talented women who were secretly recruited to become code breakers during World War II.
Liza Mundy, author of “Code Girls” discusses the fascinating stories of the thousands of talented women who were secretly recruited to become code breakers during World War II.
He was born for this role!
This is why books and movies are different.
Leonardo Ugolini does incredible things with sand
The timing could not have been worse for these disappointed fans on the opposite platform
Art student Kincső Nagy designed an amazing glow in the dark version of the Harry Potter books, complete with interactive illustrations throughout. The Hungarian designer created simple covers for each book in the series, and the laser-cut illustrations come to life once the lights go out. Inside, readers will find illustrations that pop-up, fold…
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