These Fish Literally Learned to Fly to Escape Predators and Now Birds are Eating Them
If you’re having a bad day, be thankful you’re not this flying fish
If you’re having a bad day, be thankful you’re not this flying fish
*Cues the Mission Impossible music*
Darwin’s bark spider produces one of the largest known orb webs (up to 2.8 sq m/30 sq ft), with anchor lines spanning up to 25 m (82 ft)
A pike bit off more than he could chew when he tried to eat this bass, suffocating itself in the process. The two fish, who died in battle, rose to the surface where the water eventually froze
This scene from the season premier of Planet Earth II might be the most intense nature sequence ever filmed
Yes, you read that correctly
A seal evades a pack of preying orcas by leaping onboard a whale watching boat off the coast of Vancouver Island, Canada
Poetry in motion. Nature never ceases to amaze
Remarkable footage by Stewart Whitfield shows baby fish taking refugre inside the bell of a jellyfish
Catching the fish is only half the battle. Flying out of the water with it is a whole different story
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