Guy Puts Giant Steel Saw Blades on His Bike and It Works Shockingly Well

It not only worked, but the build was awesome! The “Icycycle” by Q
It not only worked, but the build was awesome! The “Icycycle” by Q
Sometimes forgetfulness pays off! In this circumstance, reddit user nieman23 neglected to take down his Christmas lights. When the next winter storm rolled through, the hanging icicles on his porch were beautifully illuminated by his Christmas lights. Just a small and random moment of joy that hopefully puts a smile on your face 🙂…
These guys were lucky they weren’t any closer and their engine didn’t stall!
Scientist Cassandra Brooks spent two months on the Nathaniel B. Palmer, traveling through the Ross Sea in Antarctica
A surreal scene on the shores of Dudinka, Russia as an ‘ice tsunami’ comes crashing in on 4 June 2019
Wait, what?
Spotted in Maine, the circular slab of ice measured roughly 100 yards (91 m) in diameter
Tabular iceberg designed by nature
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