Researchers Have Officially Crowned The “Most Canadian” Animal

These might not be the cutest creatures, but they truly are unique.
These might not be the cutest creatures, but they truly are unique.
He is the one
The complete, original clip which was recently popularized by comedian Michael Rapaport
He was filming the scenery when he happened upon a moose… and then a wolf appeared
BBC has released footage of a rare white moose spotted in western Sweden’s Varmland
The heroic couple took turns chopping a pathway to shallower water until the moose was finally able to pull itself back on land
Two moose calves and their mother take advantage of a lawn sprinkler on a hot afternoon in Eagle River, Anchorage, Alaska.
MOOSE IN THE MIST Photograph by Steve Wall In this amazing capture by Steve Wall, we see a majestic moose shrouded in the early morning mist. Steve, who was on a camping trip at the time, recalls being woken up in the early morning by distant grunts: “I threw on some clothes,…
WATER CASCADING FROM A MOOSE’S ANTLERS Photograph via iDrinkYourShake on Reddit Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find much about this beautiful photograph. It was submitted to Reddit by iDrinkYourShake, but a reverse image search on Google and Tineye did not produce any results. What we do know is that it’s a bull…
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