The Eye of the Rainbow

A viral ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ photo has been stirring up controversy with claims of fakery
A viral ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ photo has been stirring up controversy with claims of fakery
It all started with, “My dad has been trying to grow pineapples for the last year, today he succeeded, look how proud he is”
Reddit user planetmaster recently snapped this pic of a gas station under construction in Greenville, Texas
Last year, a popular thread on reddit asked: Add “ing” to the end of a movie title, what is the movie about now? Some 13,822 comments later, artist shifter2000 decided to illustrate his favorites, turning the new films into movie posters. You can find the original AskReddit thread here. You can see shifter2000’s…
This IS the droid I’m looking for
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