Tag: revenge

September 24, 2023 at 1:29 pm

They Were Told They Can’t Clock Out Unless A Manager Approved It, So They Got Petty Revenge

They Were Told They Can’t Clock Out Unless A Manager Approved It, So They Got Petty Revenge

Play silly games, get silly prizes.

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September 24, 2023 at 7:48 am

‘You said you wanted these answers first thing in the morning.’ Guy Maliciously Complied When A Boss Didn’t Respect Time Zones

'You said you wanted these answers first thing in the morning.' Guy Maliciously Complied When A Boss Didn't Respect Time Zones

This guy handled this brilliantly

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September 23, 2023 at 1:55 am

‘I’ll tell you what we do with tattletales’. A Mechanic Got Smelly Revenge On A Customer Who Tried To Get Him Into Trouble

Source: TikTok/@bodyguy188

Yeah, the guy probably got fired…

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September 21, 2023 at 12:36 pm

‘This is the level of petty I want to be at.’ A Woman Got Revenge on Her Cheating Boyfriend During a Trip to Europe

'This is the level of petty I want to be at.' A Woman Got Revenge on Her Cheating Boyfriend During a Trip to Europe

You go girl!

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September 21, 2023 at 3:44 am

‘This is the epitome of having the day you deserve.’ A Woman Found A Shopping Cart Zip-Tied To Her Car In A Walmart Parking Lot

'This is the epitome of having the day you deserve.' A Woman Found A Shopping Cart Zip-Tied To Her Car In A Walmart Parking Lot

Any way you slice it, this would suck.

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September 18, 2023 at 7:06 am

‘I said send it in writing first, then I’ll stop.’ Man Responds With Years Of Receipts When His Ex’s Attorney Requests Full Financial Statements

'I said send it in writing first, then I'll stop.' Man Responds With Years Of Receipts When His Ex's Attorney Requests Full Financial Statements

It’s a satisfying story.

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September 15, 2023 at 3:35 pm

‘This was an unfair fight, all of you versus me.’ Lawyer Reveals How He Made A Big Telco Company And Their Team Of Lawyers Pay Dearly For Being Greedy

'This was an unfair fight, all of you versus me.' Lawyer Reveals How He Made A Big Telco Company And Their Team Of Lawyers Pay Dearly For Being Greedy

Stories like these are always a highly satisfying read.

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September 5, 2023 at 3:07 pm

His Brother Ruined His Wedding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

His Brother Ruined His Wedding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Good lord. Some families need help.

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September 5, 2023 at 4:38 am

‘They know I’m parking there out of spite.’ He Got Back At An Annoying Coworker Who Said They Were Late By Taking Their Convenient Parking Spot

'They know I'm parking there out of spite.' He Got Back At An Annoying Coworker Who Said They Were Late By Taking Their Convenient Parking Spot

If the rules have no point, then why enforce them?

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September 4, 2023 at 4:33 pm

This Worker Decided To Take Action When They Were Stiffed On Overtime Pay

This Worker Decided To Take Action When They Were Stiffed On Overtime Pay

What do people expect if they stiff their employees when it comes to paying them for overtime? Well, they probably didn’t expect what this person ended up doing… Because they took their time and they made it count! Check out their story below and see what you think. Stiff me on overtime? Queue the long,…

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