July 31, 2017 at 10:18 pm

These Award Winning LEGO ‘Build the Future’ Ads Nailed It

by twistedsifter


A recent print campaign by Ogilvy Bangkok has been awarded three silver lions (in ‘Print & Publishing’ and ‘Outdoor’) and a bronze (in ‘Design’) at the Cannes festival this year, the most prestigious award show in marketing and advertising.

“Build the Future” has been so well received that Ogilvy has made plans to have actual life-size LEGO sculptures built as an extension of the campaign. This isn’t the first time we’ve featured creative ads by LEGO, be sure to check out previous campaigns here and here.

[via AdWeek]


lego build the future ads by ogilvy bangkok 1 These Award Winning LEGO Build the Future Ads Nailed It


lego build the future ads by ogilvy bangkok 2 These Award Winning LEGO Build the Future Ads Nailed It


lego build the future ads by ogilvy bangkok 3 These Award Winning LEGO Build the Future Ads Nailed It