11 Stories About Retail Customers That Are Nice and Wholesome
Hey, it’s not all bad out there!
It seems like we usually only hear horror stories from folks on social media about dealing with customers AND workers in retail, but today we’re gonna flip that idea on its head.
Here are some nice and wholesome stories that happened at stores that might restore your faith in humanity.
1. A very good deed.
You are a saint!
I was behind a mom and her two kids, had run into them throughout the store all night so I knew she was buying medicine for them and food, she didn’t have enough and was gonna put things back so I just paid for all their stuff and waited till they left to put some of mine back.
— 😇 (@JussxQuotes) February 10, 2022
2. This is sweet.
Helping out some old ladies.
When I worked in a mall bookstore back in the 90s, a group of really old women would come in for their weekly harlequin romance books and pay in change. Broke my heart. I’d put my finger over the barcode so the scanner wouldn’t work and I’d have to key it in… at 1/6 the price.
— Jane Says (@DunzoWithSergio) February 10, 2022
3. You don’t have to choose.
Did the right thing.
I used to work at a place that gave us $20 leeway per customer to “make it right” and a young mom didn’t have enough EBT for baby formula *and* her own food. She was crying and apologizing, handing back her food. I made the formula free so she wouldn’t have to choose.
— 🥨🍡🍥dazzaflirb💖💜💙 (@GeeScoops) February 10, 2022
4. Good boy discount.
Nice work!
I once had a little boy come in , all excited to buy some pizzas for dinner as a ” surprise ” for his parents who were ” having a sad day” . He had a dollar. The pizzas were ten. I let him keep his dollar, told him he got ” Good Boy ” discount , and paid myself.
— Virgil #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 (@AnxiPurpleCloud) February 10, 2022
5. Hard times.
Don’t let it go to waste.
Reminds when I worked at Walmart. I would tell the homeless people to come around closing time ( deli) and give them free food. It was better than throwing it out since most of the time it was still good
— Kai (@JjongsLeftSock) February 10, 2022
6. Here come the discounts!
Sad we have to deal with this.
hell yeah
when i have customers be nice to me, especially when i know they’re paying out of pocket for prescription glasses you bet ur ass i pull out every discount code i have and then some. having to pick barely functional shit bc you’re worried about money shouldn’t be a thing— clo (@skinniclo) February 11, 2022
7. Load ’em up.
Cram ’em in there!
My act against the man in my first job at a drive thru burger joint was to give people overflowing onion rings. I was told multiple times to only give 6. SIX! In a LARGE order that cost $8. I would nod and agree to do it and then keep cramming 14 rings in there
— hrwinter (@hrwinter) February 10, 2022
8. Here you go.
For the goats.
I needed syringes to give meds to newborn baby goats, and in my area they don’t sell them at feed stores. I went to a local drug store almost in tears, the lady at the pharmacy said we don’t sell them without a prescription but here you go, and she gave me a bag of 10. ❤️
— Just Another Earthen Vessel ☮️ (@Ljtnelson) February 10, 2022
9. It’s on the house.
And I’ll take care of it.
a lot of the time at my job we have homeless people come in and look at our case (i work in a bakery) and everytime they’ll ask me for the cheapest item- i always ask them what they *really* and tell them “it’s on the house.”- then after they leave i go and pay for it myself
— lexy. (@goin2thechateau) February 10, 2022
10. Use it over and over.
What a nice lady!
Once the nice lady at the Michael’s register noticed I was trying to scrounge together art supplies for school and she used a one-item-only 25% coupon on each item I bought 🥺
— 장미🌹 Taemin come back to us (@starrynightokki) February 10, 2022
11. Thanks, Benjamin.
I hope that made it hurt less.
I’ll never forget the sweet Starbucks worker who bought me a free hot cocoa when I got stood up by my date. Benjamin you are a treasure
— Virgil #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 (@AnxiPurpleCloud) February 10, 2022

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