Hospital Bills So Crazy You Have To See Them To Believe
If you’re living outside the United States right now, you probably have no idea how costly medical care actually is there – and if you are living in the United States, there’s a good chance you’re trying to figure out how to pay your medical bills right now.
If you doubt me, check out these 14 bills – because they seem as if they would be more at home in a dystopian movie than in real life.
14. This seems made up.
How could you rack up that bill in less than 24 hours?
My mother’s hospital bill of when she went to the ER cause of her gallbladder and had to have emergency surgery. She was in the hospital for one day…
byu/partimecollegeboy inmildlyinfuriating
13. Like a 5-star hotel on the moon.
You’d think they’d have better food, at least.
My bill for a 2 night hospital stay.
byu/kharadjej inABoringDystopia
12. Normally you have to pay someone else to hold your baby.
I want to laugh, but it’s really not funny.
Hospital billing to hold your own child after birth
byu/toothpaste36 inmildlyinfuriating
11. This does not seem like it could be right.
Yet there it is in black and white.
I’m a registered nurse that contracted covid. This is my bill for my visit to the emergency department.
byu/minxiejinx inABoringDystopia
10. You don’t even want to open the bill.
Nothing good can come of it, honestly.
Got our hospital bill on the same day that a handwritten thank you card from my wife's nurses arrived.
byu/ThePlanetBob inmildlyinfuriating
9. They didn’t even do anything.
They literally just watched him. What?
My Father in Law's hospital bill after 2 1/2 days in the hospital for observation.
byu/yobruhh inmildlyinfuriating
8. No forgiveness here.
You mess up, you pay through the nose.
Welcome to the USA. Just the hospital bill from a car accident. Note charges denied.
byu/grootdoos1 inmildlyinfuriating
7. I would love to say I’m surprised…
Congrats on surviving Covid, here’s a lifetime of crippling debt!
@letstalkaboutbusiness So this is crazy.. #AsSceneOnTubi #PrimeDayDealsDance #BombPopAwards #WidenTheScreen #SipIntoSummer
6. Maybe the offending restaurant will pay.
Probably not, though.
Went to the ER for what turned out to be bad food poisoning. Was in a bed for less than 2 hours. Got the bill today.
byu/mattdhanley inmildlyinfuriating
5. Hope you’re a fan of dark humor.
It’s all that’s getting us through, honestly.
SLPT: Avoid paying costly medical bills by dying instead
byu/harrym137 inShittyLifeProTips
4. What are they even paying for?
It’s hard to tell most of the time.
Welcome to the United States, where it costs you $800 to have pneumonia (with good insurance)!
byu/curver22 inmildlyinfuriating
3. It makes you want to just chuck it all.
I mean, what’s the point?
An uninsured COVID-19 patient just got her medical bill: $34,927.43
byu/cmplxgal inSandersForPresident
2. That seems cheap, honestly.
Or else I’m just totally getting hosed.
I had to be transported to the hospital last year in an ambulance. It cost $1,118.
byu/cebolla_y_cilantro inmildlyinfuriating
1. I have secondhand rage.
How is this allowed?
I bought dental insurance specifically so I could afford to get my wisdom teeth removed. Humana deducted less than what I pay them monthly from my medical bill.
byu/ratlenin inmildlyinfuriating
It’s shameful, really, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be chancing anytime soon.

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