Is He Wrong for Holding His Son’s College Fund Hostage? People Responded.
Call me crazy, but I think parents can do whatever they want with college funds that they personally saved and built up over the years for their kids.
But, as we all know, it’s a touchy topic that can lead to some tricky situations.
And here’s a good example of what I’m talking about.
Read on and see if you think this dad is acting like a jerk about his son’s college fund.
AITA for holding my son’s college fund hostage?
“I(48M) have a son that graduated this year from highschool.
We (my wife and I) started his college fund the minute we found out she was pregnant. Since we make good money (in the mid 6 figures), his college fund currently has almost $400k in it.
We have never told our son what to do with his life. We may have guided his decisions as any good parent should, but since he was still young we let him make his own decisions.
We also never expected academic excellence or forced him into sports or artistic activities.
Now that he graduated high school, he said that he did not want to go to college. We said as long as he was sure, he could whatever he wanted. He refused trade schools too. He also did not want to work with us in our business.
He said that he planned to use his college fund to start a business of his own. I said that I will allow it only if he takes some Business Management, accounting and law classes in the nearby community college. I said that I would pay them out of pocket and not from the fund. And then I would expect a well made business plan before I would give him the money. My wife agrees 100%.
But he called us AHs for holding his college fund hostage to make him do what we want. We think we are just doing our best to make sure that his business succeeds.
Now it’s time to see how Reddit users reacted.
This reader said he’s NTA and that he’s not holding anything hostage.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this person said he’s NTA and that he’s only being reasonable.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said his kid is asking for a whole lot of money for someone who has no real-world experience.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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